Posts Tagged: nextgengov

Happiness is a Balance: Career Advice from Frank DiGiammarino

“What am I doing with my life? Why am I doing it?” If you’ve asked yourself these questions – recently or in the distant past – Frank DiGiammarino wants you to know you are certainly not alone. Figuring out what you want to do is key to achieving real success in life, but that’s easierRead… Read more »

Enterprising 2.0 and the Smashing of Silos

In one of the second breakout sessions today, a panel of presenters representing the Department of State, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Aviation Administration and the International Finance Corporation shared the tools that their respective agencies are using to drive innovation and smash information silos. They have shared their technological tools and adaptations ofRead… Read more »

Enterprise 2.0 in the Federal Government

How can we improve the way we communicate information? Enhanced Search Engines with Advanced Support Features Websites Social Media Using the Crowd as an Innovation Partner – Harvard Business Review 2013 Contests Collaborative Communities Complementors Labor Markets Co-Creation So, what was missing from the review? Employee Ideas! – Open Forum – Challenges Seven Criteria thatRead… Read more »

What Is Your Boss Really Looking For (And Thinking)?

We all have bosses. For many employees, that means one deceivingly simple question generates a great deal of thought: what is my boss thinking? After a high-energy lunchtime session, Next Generation of Government participants attending one of the breakout sessions had the opportunity to tackle this question and learn how its answer can help guideRead… Read more »

Diversity’s New Frontier

We’re live at the Next Generation of Government Training Summit! NextGen is a two-day training summit aimed at inspiring and educating rising government leaders. The sessions and workshops presented are jam packed with information to further enhance their day-to-day career and the betterment of government overall. One of the breakout sessions, Diversity’s New Frontier, focusedRead… Read more »

Dealing with Difficult Colleagues

Dealing with Difficult Colleagues Next Gen Conference Workshop Presented by Dr. Fred Soto Senior Advisor Performance Innovation and Learning Objectives ® Address how a deeper understanding of relationship conflicts can help an organization to achieve its goals. ® Explore proven strategies to help participants foster a “conflict smart” work relationships. ® Identify positive actions toRead… Read more »

Learn to Consult Like an Expert

“What’s the Big Think?” What do all leaders have in common? They were all indoctrinated into the same problem-solving methods you are about to learn We want to move from an organization with a haphazard approach, where we are spinning our wheels, trying to solve opaque and undefined problems, before eventually answering the wrong question.Read… Read more »

Final thought – ACQ ABC’s

– Relationships, Relationships, Relationships – Analysis, Analysis, Analysis – Be Relevant – Users’ Approval Chains are not the enemy – This is really about Risk Management

Jonny Dorsey at NextGen: Five Actions to Advance Government

Jonny Dorsey is a social entrepreneur and co-founder of Global Health Corps, an initiative that brings talented individuals into public health communities around the world. At the opening NextGen general session, he shared five major points from a study done by the Impact Careers Initiative at the Aspen Institute. The study seeks to understand whyRead… Read more »