Posts Tagged: nextgen/?utm_source=dailyawesome

NextGen Speaker Frank DiGiammarino breaks down his career guide

Happy Thursday! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »

NextGen12: You need a Mentor

Here is the summary: One of the most effective ways to vault your career is by having a mentor. But sometimes you don’t know where to start. In this session, you’ll learn about GovLoop’s first-of-its-kind, government-wide mentors program and how you can get involved. We’ll have mentoring experts as well as a mentors and menteesRead… Read more »

Next Generation of Government Summit Lunch Keynote: Mario Morino

Lunch Keynote: Mario Morino Relentless: Investing in Leaders Who Stop at Nothing in Pursuit of Greater Social Impact Mario Morino, Author, Leap of Reason: Managing to Outcomes in an Era of Scarcity America, believes we need a fundamental rethinking in the nonprofit and public sectors to solve our most pressing social challenges. The cruel ironyRead… Read more »

Project Management 101: Getting Things Done In Government

For the session on Project Management, the panel included: Doug Brown Practice Lead, Enterprise Architecture and Program Management at Vigilant Watch Integration Brent Bushey ITPM for the Alien Criminal Response Information Management System, Department of Homeland Security Shaun Khalfan Program Information Assurance Manager, Defense Logistics Agency Throughout our session on project management, the panel providedRead… Read more »

Learn More About How to Get Involved with Young Government Leaders

Dave Uejio, Lead for Talent Acquisition, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau; and President, Young Government Leaders, started off the lunch break out session taking some time talking about Young Government Leaders. “We want to help you formalize the Next Generation of Government event 365 days a year,” stated Dave. The YGL website states: Young Government LeadersRead… Read more »

Live from NextGen: Movin’ On Up In Your Organization

What is the best way for current and future federal government employees to move up in their career? HR specialists from the NIH speak to the process from their own experiences moving up the GS Schedule and evaluating candidates. Michelle Lipinski, Senior Human Resources Specialist, starts the break-out talking about the 15 level GS payRead… Read more »

Never too young to plan – TSP and beyond

Next generation of Government Summit — Never Too Young to Plan – Financial Planning from TSP to Insurance Nicolas Troy Abrams, Founder, AJW Financial Partners Erin Doyle, Benefits Officer, Department of Veterans Affairs Rebecca Schreiber, Certified Financial Planner, Solid Ground Financial Planning Bobby Whiteside, Client 4 Life Insurance and Financial Services Getting your hands aroundRead… Read more »

What Do Changemakers Have in Common?

”What Do Change-makers Have in Common” Andrew Rasiej, Founder, Personal Democracy Forum Next Generation of Government Summit 2012 Andrew stated his presentation by speaking about the difficulties of change, and particularly, changing from within a system. Andrew shared a story about when he ran for office in the early 2000’s, “I ran not because IRead… Read more »

Beyond the Conference — More insights from NextGen Speakers

Happy Friday!!!! We hear at the DorobekINSIDER are at the Next Generation of Government Leadership Conference. If you can’t make it in person you can still live stream the entire conference here and we will be blogging and taking lots of photos. If you can make it down, stop by and say hi to theRead… Read more »