Case Studies in Embracing Change
Depending on the agency’s size, maturity and mission statement, “modernization” can mean different things and produce diverse initiatives. Here are some examples.
Depending on the agency’s size, maturity and mission statement, “modernization” can mean different things and produce diverse initiatives. Here are some examples.
While with a vaccine and the right response, the pandemic itself will fade, its long-term health impacts will live with those who contracted and survived the virus. Interoperable, nuanced data will be vital to treating their conditions.
University research is a big business. But federally imposed administrative requirements divert researchers to focus on non-value-added activities.
To understand employee sentiment, it took managers weeks or even months to comb through FEVS data. So EVS ART was created, a tool to view FEVS scores in an actionable and targeted way.
The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) developed a strategy to implement changes based on findings from the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey.
At the end of 2017, NIH launched the NIH Data Commons Pilot Phase to accelerate biomedical discoveries. We spoke with Project Leader Vivien Bonazzi to find out more.
The two-day HHS HR Clinic served as an opportunity for HR professionals to learn how to incorporate agency priorities into daily HR functions; build relationships and network with other HR professionals; and discuss best practices.
Meet the SAMMIE finalist who has dedicated his life to understanding the role environmental factors play in fertility and pregnancy.
Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with cancer. While current treatments cure about half of the people who develop cancer, many are not so fortunate: last year, 580,000 people died of cancer in America alone. In his over 40 years spent as Chief of the Surgery Branch at the National Cancer Institute, Dr. SteveRead… Read more »
Every year, over 300,000 children across the globe are diagnosed with sickle cell disease. From sub-Saharan Africa to the Mediterranean, to the Middle East, to India, this genetically inherited disorder afflicts millions of people. Sickle cell disease deprives red blood cells of the essential hemoglobin protein, causing cells to change into a sickle shape afterRead… Read more »