Federal Leaders Tout Big Ideas on Mission of Tech
The MGT Act has revamped national efforts to upgrade IT systems, but there remain fundamental questions about the government’s role in technology.
The MGT Act has revamped national efforts to upgrade IT systems, but there remain fundamental questions about the government’s role in technology.
Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news: The Navy is establishing Unmanned Helicopter Reconnaissance Squadron One (HUQ-1) effective October 1, 2012. More here. The Office of Management and Budget released an updated report stating that 318 data centers have been closed since 2010, 50 of them May. More here. The Defense Information SystemsRead… Read more »
According to a new GAO report, the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) has not provided federal agencies with clearly defined policy guidance for determining whether positions require security clearances. Without this guidance, many agencies use an Office of Personnel Management (OPM) position designation tool that provides inconsistent designations. In April 2012 OPM audited positions withinRead… Read more »
There must be something in the air. Or is it the water? Over the past couple of weeks there have been some pretty sensational stories about the Intelligence Community. First, we had the Russian spies, then the Washington Post’s expose on the IC (well timed, right before Clapper’s confirmation hearing – but we digress), andRead… Read more »
Welcome once again to the Friday’s Food for Thought post. We hope everyone had a productive work week and are gearing up for a relaxing weekend. And, we are deep into vacation season. So, if you are taking some well-needed time off, we hope you enjoy it! Today’s post is about “Knowledge is Power.” WhatRead… Read more »
The job of being the chief executive of the intelligence bureaucracy, which also includes the daily White House intelligence briefings, is a dual-hatted role that can challenge even the most hard-working and ambitious DNI. This, according to a recent article in GovtTech (taken from the National Journal), which stated that the first two directors ofRead… Read more »