Posts Tagged: omb

Execution is the Key to Improving the Federal Acquisition Process

From The Acquisition Corner As 2009 is now in the books, the year ended with plans submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) by the 24 federal agencies that account for 98% of contract actions. As reported by NextGov, these agencies have identified $19 billion in acquisition-related savings, also announced by OMB inRead… Read more »

Tactical Approaches and Governance relating to the Open Gov Directive

After combing through the Open Government Directive very carefully over the last few days, I transitioned from the strategic to the tactical and started asking the question: How are we actually going to get all of this work done in the next 120 days? Given, the directive calls for some discrete action within the nextRead… Read more »

Increasing Competition Means Raising the Bar on Value

From The Acquisition Corner As part of the Obama Administration’s call for reform of the federal acquisition process, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) recently issued a second set of memos with guidance on increasing competition for better outcomes. These memos are a continuation of original OMB guidance released in July, which outlined waysRead… Read more »

Hiring Reform Compliance is Fast Approaching, Are You Ready?

Originally posted to Unleash The Monster The clock is ticking as we’re about a month away from the deadline for federal agencies to have their hiring reform initiatives underway. In June, OMB Director Peter R. Orszag set expectations in a memo for federal agencies to make considerable progress in four key areas of hiring: *Read… Read more »

Ideas to Improve Federal Acquisition and the Better Buy Project

From The Acquisition Corner This week saw the launch of the Better Buy Project, a joint project of the National Academy of Public Administration and the American Council for Technology-Industry Advisory Council in conjunction with the General Services Administration. According to the website: …The acquisition process represents one of the most important areas of collaborationRead… Read more »

With New Fiscal Year Comes New OMB Guidance

From The Acquisition Corner As Fiscal Year (FY) 2010 is now underway, The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) will be ramping up its guidance on improving acquisition outcomes, which includes a broad section of areas to include competition, contract types, workforce, outsourcing, and acquisition practices. I will be covering theses issues in more depthRead… Read more »

Capturing Past Performance Data is Not Enough

From The Acquisition Corner As acquisition reform continues to gain steam, the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy are continuing to craft guidance and procedures to improve the acquisition process in hopes of saving money on contract costs and reduce the use of “high-risk” contract types. These improvements willRead… Read more »

Hitting a Home Run; Baseball and the Acquisition Process

From The Acquisition Corner An interesting post by Bill Gormley of Washington Management Group described parallels on two of my passions, baseball and improving the acquisition process. It is an interesting read and a fun way of discussing what can be a somewhat difficult process and subject. Some specifics points he makes and my take:Read… Read more »

Gov 2.0 – making sense of complex data sets in order to use them

Hi, everyone, Before coming to government, I served as a college financial aid director. After moving to DC, I spent eight years surrounded by large financial aid data sets, doing risk analysis and providing decision support based on the myriad records that colleges had submitted to the Department in order to administer aid to theirRead… Read more »

Federal IT Dashboard: Putting the “R” in ROI

Kudos to OMB and Federal agencies for completing the ratings of 100% of their major IT investments, which by the way was no small undertaking . So we now have a complete and well presented view via the Federal IT Dashboard ( of how well our “major” Federal IT investments are adhering to cost, scheduleRead… Read more »