Posts Tagged: open government

Today at 2EST – GL Training – Part 2 Soc Media Best Practice

I’ve seen the slides and they rock…Pretty stoked for Part 2 of the GovLoop Social Media Training – Case Studies and Best Practices Should be fun…We have Kay Morrison from EPA and Kristy Fifelski of City of Reno and Kent Cunningham of Microsoft. Plus as always…rapid fire Q&A to answer all your questions. Almost 600Read… Read more »

GL Training – Social Media – Why It Matters & How To Do It

**Register for GovLoop Training – Social Media – Why It Matters & How to Do It** Fortunately this year, I’ve gotten the chance to speak at a lot of conferences from federal to state/local government, from U.S to Canada, from HR to IT to Security conferences. Since GovLoop is a social network, most people wantRead… Read more »

When NOT to Take the Lead: Partnering with Academia to Solve Our Nation’s Problems

It’s been over a month since my last posting on my featured jennovation series on Govloop and the Phase One Consulting Group (POCG) Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, but for good reason. It’s been a busy Fall season on many fronts: POCG’s Growing Open Gov and Innovation Team: POCG has recently hired two rockRead… Read more »

Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions

This is an abbreviated version of an article on the Intellitics blog. Read the full post here: Public Participation: Four Common Misconceptions Based on my observations listening to the discussions around Open Government, the following four aspects of the term public participation tend to get easily and commonly confused: 1) Public participation applies strictly toRead… Read more »

Raising the Dial Tone, Part 2.

(Part 1 is archived at Recently, Dennis McDonald offered that transparency and collaboration should be considered as efficiency measures in the Secretary of Defense’s initiatives. A sharp comment to this post responded by detailing the dire state of the federal procurement system, offering that the system is “completely broken, not superficially but structurally andRead… Read more »

Get Your Gov On – Right Now, Real-Time

Original post by guest author Dave McClure, Associate Administrator, Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies, U.S. General Services Administration, on GovDelivery’s Reach the Public blog. We live our lives in real time and the government is moving to respond, react, and communicate with the public in more open and agile ways. Often, however, weRead… Read more »

Notes from GAO – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies

At NAPA Collaboration Project event focused on GAO Report – Challenges in Federal Use of Web 2.0 Technologies Short, easy report – it’s testimony, not a full report -have another ongoing review that is broader Requested by Chaiman Clay, House Subcommittee on Information Policy, Census, and National Archives Objectives-Identify current uses of web 2.0 technologiesRead… Read more »

Manor.GovFresh – Beth Noveck: “OpenGov Is Not Something Nice to Do…”

I flew into Austin this morning for Manor.Govfresh and arrived just in time to hear Beth Noveck, White House Deputy CTO. Below are a few of the key ideas that I heard from Beth: – Open Government is not something nice to do; it’s something we MUST do. – Open Government is not about technology,Read… Read more »