Posts Tagged: open government

Which App for Climate Action do you like most?

Originally posted at Yesterday, at 5pm PST the Apps for Climate Action team at the Province of British Columbia released the list of 17 applications created using data from the Apps for Climate Action data catalog. At the moment anyone can register and vote for the application that they think is the best. I’dRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: “3 Signs That Government Is More Innovative Than Ever”

A few weeks ago, Mr. GovLoop started blogging for the Huffington Post. We’re pretty jazzed about it and our main goal is to highlight and honor your awesomeness through this increased visibility. For instance, our newest post is titled: “3 Signs That Government is More Innovative Than Ever” Basically, we talk about our new “GovLaunch”Read… Read more »

Re-Thinking Performance Metrics in Federal Agencies

In a Federal News Radio conversation with reporter Francis Rose and two other guests – Robert Shea, a former OMB executive, and Jon Desenberg, with the Performance Institute – we talked about the Obama Administration’s performance initiatives to date, and the potential implications for agency efforts to measure performance. Shea said “people miss some ofRead… Read more »

Congress Simplifying a Process? Making Prizes more attractive to the Federal Government…

Prizes and competitions provide one way to stimulate innovation and tap “solver communities” that may not have been leveraged previously when considering some of our nation’s grand challenges (see my blog posting from the White House/ Case Foundation event on prizes and competitions in April where I discuss this assertion in more detail). Building onRead… Read more »

Global Gov 2.0 – Citizens Make the State 2.0 (Austria)

Translated from “Bürger machen Staat 2.0” in Economy Austria (interview with GovLoop’er Philipp Mueller):Citizens Make the State 2.0 Philipp Mueller: “With Government 2.0, the state loses its monopoly on creating the common good. Government can not accomplish it alone; it must join with the citizen”says the Director of Public Management and Governance at the SalzburgRead… Read more »

Reason No. 1 for “bite-sized” government: Play nice with the media.

Why get along with the media? You’ll fare better on the front page. I’m a former government news reporter and can tell you firsthand that secrecy—sometimes in the form of complicated terminology— leads to unfavorable stories, even if political decisions are well founded and necessary. I sat through countless city and county meetings. For theRead… Read more »

GovLoop Launching Series on Huffington Post

So I’m pretty excited that we are writing a regular series on government at the Huffington Post. It’ll be a mix of some of the regular blogs I write here spruced up for a larger audience, some new original content, and any other suggestions from others. If you are interested at all in getting featured,Read… Read more »

Out of Egypt: “Reflections on Blogging and Beyond”

From the Egyptian Government Blog (used auto-translate from the page, plus some of my own tidying). What do you think? Open government and government 2.0 issues are the same, wherever we live, eh? I bolded my favorite lines… **************************************************************************************** Dear Co-Reader, Like every new experience, blogging has been a different event for me. Although IRead… Read more »

The Gov 2.0 Condundrum

Without a doubt, there’s a lot to be gained when government leverages Web 2.0 tools to provide better communications and service. But for every success story there seems to be an equal number of roadblocks preventing public servants from venturing into Gov 2.0. Last week there was a Congressional hearing before the Information Policy, CensusRead… Read more »

Mind the Gap: How Innovative Partnerships Can Help Fill the Funding Gap

In my introductory posting in the “jennovation” series for Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, I introduced you to an innovative platform known as the Department of Education’s Innovation Portal. This week I want to describe a little more about how that portal, in combination with and theRead… Read more »