Posts Tagged: open

White House releases open government status report before launch of Open Government Partnership

The Obama administration has released a status report on open government. The report, which I’ve embedded below, was released through a blog post at by Steven Croley, special assistant and senior counsel to the President: President Obama has made open government a high priority. Greater openness renders our government more efficient and effective. ItRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – September 16, 2011

6th edition of state-by-state Open Government Guide (HT NFOIC) How’d your state do? How do you think it could be improved? Social Media as a Credible News Source? “Still a little ooky about social media? Well, believe it or not, social media is a major element of news nowadays.” This talks specifically about social media,Read… Read more »

Brazil’s Plans for the Open Government Partnership and 5 Recommendations

This post is a repost of Greg Michener’s blog on Check out the blog for other insights on Brazil government. Brazil unveiled tentative plans to make good on the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a multi-country, multi-stakeholder international initiative to advance greater transparency, openness, accountability, and participation in government. Brazil and the U.S. are theRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – September 9, 2011

Local Government Guidelines for Working with the Media During an Energy Emergency “This document provides strategies that local governments can use for communicating effectively with the media, and for cultivating relationships with both the media and the public during energy-related emergencies.” Code for America Announces Winners Several cities have been selected to participate in CfA’sRead… Read more »

Are open data publishers doing enough?

Coming in the wake of and, there are now many cases of public bodies implementing initiatives to publish their open data; Lichfield Council, Open Kent, Vancouver’s Open Data Catalogue and The London Data Store are but a few examples. Those tapping into the conversations going on around the globe on open data willRead… Read more »

Open data to help your lifestyle choices

Its here! The app that all London bus users have been waiting for has finally been developed. This blog on Public Strategist humorously describes the positive effect on a daily commute, that knowing when the buses will arrive, can have. In Rome, the position of pedestrians using mobile phone activity and buses with GPS hasRead… Read more »

A global perspective on child health

After publishing data sets from Kent on child health, we have been looking from inspiration on how to present and reuse such information. A wonderful example of using data visualisations to tell a story of global demographic trends has been compiled by Hans Rosling’s excellent Gapminder organisation here. Using national statistics on child mortality andRead… Read more »

Child health matters

We have recently published a number of data sets regarding children’s health, such as infant mortality rates and the incidence of childhood obesity. This will be of interest to many citizens and health care professionals who live in the county. And for those who want to put such information in context, you can see anRead… Read more »

OMB Unveils Its Performance.Gov Website

The Bush Administration had its Results.Gov scorecard. The Obama Administration now has unveiled its Performance.Gov dashboard. Is a dashboard better than a scorecard? The Bush website provided links to key management initiatives, such as the President’s Management Agenda Scorecard, a list and bios of top political appointees, and a set of agency examples of bestRead… Read more »