Posts Tagged: open

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

Open Government is Dead, Long Live Open Data

Vivek Kundra leaving the White House rings one more bell that the Open Government soiree is over. And like all poorly planned parties, it should be. But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t leave us one lovely party favor. Let’s be honest. The combination of the very nebulous idea of “Open Government” and the institutionalizationRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – June 24, 2011

This is a collection of links that I’ve come across recently related to technology, transparency, and government. Not all of them came out this past week, but they haven’t been included in former Friday posts like this. Know of any that should be included? Add them to the comments below! “Illinois, New York City moveRead… Read more »

What you should know about ‘The Really Useful Event 2011 – Data Discovery Workshop’

Register to ‘The Really Useful – Data Discovery Workshop’ NOW and vote for the open data challenges Download the ‘Data Discovery Workshop’ Agenda A. Its one of a kind The LDG Community in conjunction with the Transparency team at DCLG and the LG group are planning a series of events and activities over a 6-monthRead… Read more »

Let’s not just make open data sexy… let’s make it really useful!

To register for the Really Useful event of 1st of July go to and vote for the challenges at Ever since the launch of open data here in the UK by Sir Tim Bernes-Lee in January 2010 with (who ReadWriteWeb says actually put the US version to shame due to theRead… Read more »

Social Media & Elections: Using New Media to Manage an Election & Communicate with Voters

On Friday, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission held a roundtable discussion throughout the day on “Voting Goes Viral. Using New Media to Manage an Election and Communicate with Voters“. The archived video of the webcast is available here. An Introduction Their premise going into the day? There are a multitude of social media sources forRead… Read more »

Report: Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication

Last Friday, a new policy paper by Peter Levine was released entitled: “Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication“. “His paper is the sixth in a series focused on implementing the Knight Commission’s 15 recommendations for creating healthy informed communities across the country released in 2009 in a landmark report, InformingRead… Read more »

Public Sector Leadership in the Age of Participation

The point of this post: participatory websites are leading to participatory organizations, which provide opportunities for a few core people to leverage the effort of a much broader community and accomplish substantial achievements. The emerging web I’ve been using the web since the beginning and building websites since 1993 or 1994. Back then, building aRead… Read more »

New FCC Report: Information Needs of Communities

“The FCC Working Group on the Information Needs of Communities today delivered an in-depth analysis of the current state of the media landscape along with a broad range of recommendations. The staff-level report, titled “Information Needs of Communities: The Changing Media Landscape in a Broadband Age” [full PDF here or read by chapter here] wasRead… Read more »

[New Data] How can governments better engage the Hispanic population?

Back in April, I asked the question: “How Can Social Media Help Governments Serve the Booming Hispanic Population?” I gave a few ideas then (see the bottom of that post). Well just last Thursday (May 26th), the U.S. Census Bureau “released a 2010 Census brief on the nation’s Hispanic population”. It’s got some newly compiledRead… Read more »