Posts Tagged: open

Open Government: The Need for Readiness Assessment Framework

Since the Open Government Initiative was kick-started in the United States in 2009, the implementation of the concept has exceeded the borders of US to other countries around the world. Australia Declaration of Open Government and Canada Open Data Project are only two examples of these countries. During the last few weeks, I’ve been inRead… Read more »

Arduino – Open source code for hobbiest

Geeks or g33ks leading social media way? Web site explains a new USB attachable processor for reading lights, switches and sensors while controlling motors, LEDs and speakers. Web site : Not news worthy per se for people at large. Why blog about geek toys? Its what social media can learn. They have open source,Read… Read more »

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4)

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 4) Last time I discussed how open innovation can increase transparency in agency governance, now it’s time for Week 4! Open innovation can transform your agency by boosting employee morale and engagement. Background: Traditionally, front-line government employees have very little influence over changing anRead… Read more »

It’s Time For America To Change It’s Business Plan And Start A Revolution

This article is written in the wake of a potential Government Shut down on March 4th, and to be read by those who receive a paycheck every two weeks from your job. For those who own their own business, and do not receive a steady paycheck, and are committed to improving our economy, want toRead… Read more »

Increase Transparency, Reach Mobile Devices with Video

When working with government web developers and communications professionals, I often hear that delivering government content to mobile devices is a key priority. It seems like an obvious necessity, especially as mobile device sales reach record highs. However, when it comes to actually implementing the tools and formats needed to achieve this, particularly with video,Read… Read more »

Yo Government! Why You Should Recruit in 49 Words or Less!

A recent study by the Pew Center shows some interesting facts about Twitter usage. Facts that are so interesting, they might be worth paying attention to. There has been a push recently for Open Gov and public facing interaction from the public sector. Many agencies have started to use Twitter…but are they using it inRead… Read more »

March 1, 2011 – Last Chance to Be a 2012 Code for America City

March 1, 2011 is the last chance for local governments to apply for the 2012 Code for America City Program. The competitive program enables forward-thinking cities to solve a critical civic problem with technology and become leaders in the open government movement. Three to five cities selected to participate will partner with talent from theRead… Read more »

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 3)

Blogging Series 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 3) Sorry for the brief delay in the blogging series. I’ve been managing the launch of an internal open innovation portal for New York City. More information on this project is available at: Now time for Week 3! Open innovation can transform yourRead… Read more »