Posts Tagged: open

Goals and Objectives for the #SMEM Initiative – Request for Input

I’ve just added a section to the wiki to identify SMEM goals and objectives – what we would like to achieve by IAEM 2011 (and beyond) – so we are able to then work backwards to develop a clear plan of action and collaborate across all initiatives, presentations, meetings, conferences, etc. Consider what weRead… Read more »

An Early Win for CfA’s DC Project: SF Addressing System Open-Sourced

We at Code for America are excited to celebrate an early win for open government and our DC project. A multimillion dollar IT project, developed for the the City and County of San Francisco, is now available at no cost to any government that needs it. It’s an important step towards a new model ofRead… Read more »

1600 Pennsylvania Has Done it Again!

I’ll admit it, I really do love I talk about it in various posts here on Govloop, but I can’t help it. Some of the best examples of social media in government can be found on This morning, I wanted to explore what the site would offer viewers today because of the StateRead… Read more »

Local Open Government Directive: Building Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration

Just one year ago, Kevin Curry started the CityCamp movement to bring together local government officials, government employees, private sector technology experts, journalists, and citizens to share perspectives and insights about the cities in which they live and to develop practices for making their city governments more transparent, participatory, collaborative, and accountable. In December 2010,Read… Read more »

Introducing the Model Open Government Directive for Local Government

In December, Kevin Curry, Alissa Black, Scott Primeau, and I began working on a model open government directive while at Citycamp Colorado. After a flurry of work over the last month, we, with the help of a few dozen additional open government advocates, are able to bring you the model directive for local government. ThisRead… Read more »

Applying the New Capitalist Manifesto to Open Government

The original version of this post can be found at acidlabs. Any comments you wish to make would be appreciated there. As a part of the research work I’m doing for my book, I’m reading radical economist, Umair Haque’s, The New Capitalist Manifesto. In it, Haque posits a set of Laws for the 21st CenturyRead… Read more »

New Pew survey emphasizes the Internet’s importance in civil society

The role of the Internet as a platform for collective action grows. A survey released this week by the Pew Research Center’s Internet and Life Project shed light on the social side of the Internet. The results offered insight into the differences between the connected and the disconnected, revealing that Internet users are more likelyRead… Read more »

Where Would Diversity Be In America if YouTube Was Invented During Martin Luther King Jr’s Era.

Forty eight years ago,Dr. Martin Luther King Jr led approximately 250,000 men,women, and children to Washington DC for a March for Freedom and Jobs. In 1963 black unemployment was as high as 11%, while unemployments was only 6% for whites. A white family earned, on average about $6,500.00 a year while a black family earnedRead… Read more »

Blogging Series: 10 Ways Open Innovation Can Transform Your Agency (Week 2)

Last week, I introduced what open innovation was and how it could help identify problems. There were some very good comments about the multiple ways an open innovation portal could be configured to do identify problems in a multitude of settings (including paying a parking ticket); however, this is only the first part of theRead… Read more »