Posts Tagged: open

The Movement To Reboot Government

OPEN CITIES | Christian Madera Urban planners are often of the visionary sort. With the advent of automobiles, many planners imagined cities with futuristic mega highways connecting skyscraper-filled employment centers with bucolic suburbs (one can argue whether that vision came to be reality or not). As more social and ecological concerns have risen to theRead… Read more »

Open Source, Open Government: EchoDitto and the Federal World

We have good news! EchoDitto is now a GSA-approved federal contractor in the United States. What does this mean? EchoDitto now flies black helicopters in Iraq? In layman’s, non-governmentalese, being on the GSA schedule means that we are now eligible to work with the federal government — agencies, departments, and all governmental entities. This isRead… Read more »

What do Twitter, Youtube, and Robert Gibbs Have in Common? First Question.

In light of this week being the one year anniversary of the Open Government Directive, I wanted to highlight one of my favorite uses of social media in government. I’ve touched on the White House’s open government efforts in a previous post of mine, but I wanted to give some praise to “First Question,” aRead… Read more »

The Open Innovation Festival is not an event, it is a fundamental change in thinking

“Predominantly… because of the internet an enormous shift has taken place in society. Everybody can get to knowledge”. Martijn Aslander speaks about Accessibility to knowledge in the network economy and a new world of work for the government. ”I want to move things. Paper does not move people.” The past five days of Open InnovationRead… Read more »

Why the White House Belongs at the Top of the Digital IQ Rankings

While gazing at the Public Sector Digital IQ Rankings, I was happy to see that the White House was ranked No. 2. The rankings commented that “From open-sourced contests to balance the budget to weekly presidential addresses on YouTube, the White House leads by example.” I couldn’t agree more. I was very impressed when IRead… Read more »

Is the State Department Wiki Leaks the Beginning of a Nightmare For Open Government?

After three days of consuming the best of cuisine during Thanksgiving holiday, I have once again experienced my usual holiday epiphany to become inspired. It is usually around this time of year, that I personally and professionally aspire to take my goal setting to the next level. Honestly speaking, I am excited about expanded hopesRead… Read more »

NASA Ranks as Most Social Media-Savvy in U.S., Study Says

If organizations that used Facebook to disseminate their message were actual people, NASA would be the captain of the football team and the class president, the White House would be his cheerleader girlfriend and the the Department of Commerce would be the nerd they both pushed into a locker, according to a new study fromRead… Read more »

Toward an Open Data Maturity Model

Last week was an exciting week in the world of open data. In the US, we held our first International Open Government Data Conference, and in London, there was Open Government Data Camp. Meanwhile, there was some discussion around data journalism at Public Media Camp, and “big data” was a topic of discussion at theRead… Read more »

Free Drupal4Gov Coding Sprint/Exercise/ Training November 23rd in DC

I’ve been organizing this amazing group of government open source practitioners. Mostly, it’s Drupal, but we do have some plone and joomla folks as well. We have gotten together for show and tells and in September, we held our first coding sprint. At the end of the sprint, we built an open atrium site weRead… Read more »

Drupal and the US Government

Have you signed up yet for the Drupal summit? If you haven’t, you should! Signing up for events like this helps to connect both Government employees to contractors and Govies to Govies. No, seriously, it works like that. When you go to these events, you get to meet amazing Government employees who are doingRead… Read more »