Posts Tagged: open

Setting an Open Government Standard?

Local, state, and federal Freedom of Information and Open Meeting laws govern the public’s right to know what’s going on in their government. These statutes don’t often make mainstream media headlines; however, the effects of them are far-reaching. As technology advances, governments need to keep their websites up-to-date with the latest tools for transparency, thisRead… Read more »

If you plan to launch a Government website in 2011 – You should attend…

Drupal continues to gain considerable momentum for large scale .GOV, .MIL and .ORG websites over the past 12 months with high profile launches such as Whitehouse.Gov, Commerce.Gov, Ed.Gov, – and many others that are not necessarily public knowledge yet. Come learn this Thursday at the Ritz Carlton in Washington how other business leaders areRead… Read more »

Talking about FCC Open Developer Day with Gina Trapani

The first FCC developer day focused on open government innovation. For a day, the commission room that has hosted hearings on spectrum policy, licensing, mergers and net neutrality was full of geeks focused on making something useful from the FCC’s new APIs and open data stores. One of those geeks is well-known to many developers:Read… Read more »

The Big Apple Wants to Save Big Bucks…and Wants Your Help!

New York City’s Mayor’s Office is calling for financial ideas and creativity as a new open government platform. The public is being asked to complete a form online and share their money saving ideas. According to the office, ideas will be reviewed by the Mayor’s staff and the best will be sent for further considerationRead… Read more »

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

National Institute of Standards and Technologies Encourages Greater Online Participation in Upcoming Advisory Board Meetings, Nov 3-5

Are you interested in online privacy and cybersecurity? Now, you can watch government and industry experts discuss these issues in upcoming Federal Advisory Board Meetings being held November 3-5. You can tune-in live and submit your views and concerns directly to Board Members. This is government transparency and citizen participation at it’s finest! The NationalRead… Read more »

Want Lots of Responses to Your Contest? Think PR!

Alice Lipowicz of Federal Computer Week wrote an interesting article about different government contests going on – some very successful, some not so much: I expect we’ll be seeing more of this trend, so if you’re planning to try this approach, I’d like to offer some advice on how to ensure your organization’s contestsRead… Read more »

New Open Platform API for Government Transparency & Innovation

As web-based technology platforms become more and more prevalent in the government, it’s important that agencies choose the one that’s going to give them the utmost flexibility. That’s why selecting one that has an open architecture and API is so important. This it allows agencies integrate systems and work between multiple workflows without redundancy. Also,Read… Read more »

Public Meetings 2.0

(This was originally posted on GovFresh back in June. Luke was kind enough to let me re-post it.) ——— You’re busy – and so is your local government. You have work, errands, family activities, chores … the list goes on. Your local government, on the other hand is constantly working on issues that affect youRead… Read more »