Posts Tagged: open

New Federal Government Meeting Services Introduced to Open Government & Drive Citizen Participation

Granicus just released it’s new Federal Meeting Services to help agencies across all branches of federal government achieve significant transparency and citizen participation results. The new services will enable federal agencies to take advantage of cloud computing, webcasting, and other new media tools to align with heightened technology standards set by President Obama’s Open GovernmentRead… Read more »

100 social examples in local gov

I’m lucky to have a job where I get to celebrate the success of others in local government, I work for Local Government Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA). But that means that I’m often called on for examples of successful implementation of whatever it is I’m working on now. (performance management, partnerships, customer insightRead… Read more »

Towards a broader concept of public-private partnerships:

Public-private partnerships (PPP)is a hot topic now as government at all levels redouble efforts to find practical and affordable solutions to society’s many pressing social and community problems. PPPs seem to represent a relatively painless way to share the effort, leverage resources and provide win-win situations. And there is concrete progress. For example the Obama’sRead… Read more »

Open Government vs Open source vs Open Standard vs Open Spec

Open Government, open source, open standards, open specifications. There is a huge amount of confusion and misunderstanding on what these terms mean when it comes to technology, and which products and tools fit into each category. Adobe System’s Dave McAlister, director of Open source and Standards, gives a great primer on what each term means,Read… Read more »

Three New State Legislatures to Increase Transparency with New Media

The Oklahoma House of Representatives, Virginia House and Senate, and the Illinois General Assembly – LIS Division recently partnered with Granicus to engage more people in the democratic process with new media tools such as video, bill systems integration, archiving, search, and podcasting. Granicus will be showcasing these and other clients at the National ConferenceRead… Read more »

Last Chance to Learn the Latest Best Practices in Open Government

Join us on July 19th for Excellence in Government to learn the best practices & innovative tools your agency needs to implement open government. In one day, gain the complete tool set you need through:• Access to the latest open government developments • Interactive dialogue with leading experts• Actionable case studies• Best practices which canRead… Read more »

Red Hat Overhauls the Enterprise Software Stack (report from Red Hat Summit and JBoss World)

A few people expressed interest in this conference and asked me to report back on it. So here’s my blog: I didn’t catch any talks directly related to government. One interesting talk was on implementing mobile applications in health care using open source SOA tools and libraries.