Posts Tagged: OpenGov

Top 5 – Social Media Tips for New Governors and Their Staff

This month, a number of new governors will be transitioning into office. Most of these governors used online media to win their campaigns (from campaign web sties, email lists to Facebook pages, Twitter feeds, Google/FB ads, and more). As they transition into governing, I have 5 quick tips on how to build upon their desireRead… Read more »

ADL’s Future Learning Experience Project

Today marks the first day of Advanced Distributed Learning’s (ADL’s) Future Learning Experience Project, a major new effort from ADL that returns our organization to its roots in Applied Research & Development in the learning technology space.For those unfamiliar with what ADL is, it is an initiative out of the Office of the Secretary ofRead… Read more »

A Few Gov 2.0 Thoughts As We Greet 2011

I’m not big on resolutions, roundups and predictions, but I have been tweeting a bit about Gov 2.0 in 2011 and a great back and forth today with our movement’s scribe, Alex Howard, teased out a few of my thoughts in greater detail. My reflections for 2011 are more of a sentiment than any concreteRead… Read more »

3 Ways Cities and States Can Increase Revenue

2010 has been a tough year for state and local governments. From furloughs to layoffs to cutting services, the budget situation is dire. It’s pretty simple when you have a budget shortfall. You have two options – cut costs, increase revenue. Most of the focus has been on cutting costs but I think there shouldRead… Read more »

The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data – Winning Politicians to Unfunded Mandates

A few months ago, we teamed up with the folks at Socrata to ask GovLoopers “What’s the State of Open Data?” Well…the results are in…check it out below – key take aways for me – people like Open Data and helps get politicians elected, it is often unfunded, and citizens have not been made awareRead… Read more »

Rip Van Winkel Awakens: Does He Look Like Nicholas Cage?

After a 15-year slumber, the Administrative Conference of the U.S. has returned. It held its first meeting last week since it was reconstituted earlier this year. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Scalia swore in the 100 new members of the Conference, noting “your job is to improve the administrative process throughout the government.” We were hereRead… Read more »

Want to get started with #local Gov 2.0? Let’s tell people how tonight on #localgovchat

Elections are over and new leaders are being introduced in local governments across the U.S. and certainly in the countries of many of our #localgovchat regulars. They are going to want to “hit the ground running” and will certainly be creating dramatic “The First 100 Days” lists. In the just the past two weeks, I’veRead… Read more »