Posts Tagged: OpenGov

Open Government: Government of Catalonia’s Open Data Project a Reality

The Government of Catalonia initiated the Government of Catalonia Open Data Project so that the general public, businesses and other organisations would be able to have access and re-use public sector data. This data will then be able to be used to create value. For the full story visit:’s-open-data-project-is-already-a-realityel-proyecto-datos-abiertos-de-la-generalidad-de-c/?lang=en Favorite

Join the Virtual Student Foreign Service at the Department of State – One Week Left to Apply

The State Department’s Virtual Student Foreign Service (VSFS) eInternship applications are available on (search “VSFS eInternship”) from November 3-17. If you are a U.S. citizen college or graduate student interested in conducting digital diplomacy through a virtual eInternship with a U.S. Embassy, Consulate, or Mission overseas, this program may be for you. Students fromRead… Read more »

Gov20Radio – Brooks Bennett, Round Rock

Cool Gov 2.0 radio show with Brooks Bennett of Round Rock, Texas Round Rock jelly co-working group -meet at coffee shop every Friday -bloggers, independent web developers, creative folks -if doing municipal work, find others in your area -those are folks consuming information Round Rock, TX -1 person development staff Mobile site -News -Calendar -FAQRead… Read more »

The Election Didn’t End Open Government…But It Will “Change Course”

Every month, I’ve been writing a “Backtalk” column for Federal Computer Week, collecting and coalescing the best conversations on GovLoop. The latest piece addresses the impact of the mid-term elections on Open Government efforts. Here are a few snippets: “Will the midterm election close down open government?” That was the question my GovLoop colleague StephenRead… Read more »

The impact of open government on election 2010

Open government, using social media, open data, and other solutions, has been a focus area for many of us for some time. While this evolution (no, not a revolution) in government is slow, as change often is, it is impacting the way government runs and politicians campaign. You do, after all, remember what happened inRead… Read more »

How To Run an Awesome Gov’t TweetUp – Lessons from NASA

************************************************************************ Not a Member? JOIN NOW (It’s free and Takes 30 seconds) ************************************************************************ So I spent today at the awesome NASA tweetup in Kennedy Space Center. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to stay until the delayed launch (now Wednesday). But I learned a lot in my 7 hours on site about NASA and even moreRead… Read more »

NARA Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms

Did people see this? Thoughts? NARA Bulletin 2011-02 October 20, 2010 TO: Heads of Federal Agencies SUBJECT: NARA Guidance on Managing Records in Web 2.0/Social Media Platforms EXPIRATION DATE: October 31, 2013 1. What is the purpose of this bulletin? This bulletin provides guidance on managing records produced when Federal agencies use web 2.0/social mediaRead… Read more »

Data demons – reflections from the FutureGov Summit, Malaysia

It was a privilege to be able to chair the FutureGov Summit and the FutureGov Awards, held over three content-rich days in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia last week (October 12-14). From my point of view, most of the discussions were about five aspects of the “how” of e-government and government ICT – I hope this indicatesRead… Read more »