Posts Tagged: OpenGov

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 10, 2010

Standards make the world go ’round: Curt Hopkins: Civic Commons Helps Municipalities Share Code Arindam Mukherjee: Open standards is at hand as the main e-governance platform (India) Steve Ressler: The War of Online vs. Offline Gunnar Hellekson: The government doesn’t look good naked Lewis Shepherd: Contributing to Intelligence Innovation Matt Stiles: Visualizing Foreign Business inRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 9, 2010

Should it stay or should it go? David Eaves: The Challenge of Open Data and Metrics and An Interview with Alex Howard Andrea DiMaio: Why We Must Get Rid of Open Government John Moore: The Missing Links of Government 2.0 Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Becoming Citizen 2.0 – Step One, Consumer Chris Amico: Gov 2.0 – Challenge.govRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 8, 2010

From Addis Ababa to DC: Luke Fretwell: Fresh wrap – sf.govfresh Gov 2.0 Radio: e-Governments of the World, Unite! Scott Thill: William Gibson Talks Zero History, Paranoia and the Awesome Power of Twitter Gregory Care: Accessibility and the Law – How Good UX Can Keep You Out of Court Alexis Tsotsis: With Great Power ComesRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 7, 2010

Get your work week on: Ed Chi: Mind-meld in Group Decision Making Michael Gurstein: Open Data – Empowering the Empowered, or Effective Data Use for Everyone? Dan Woods: 10 Corporate Social Media Mistakes Economist: Untangling the social web Alex Howard: “Spontaneous collaboration” and other lessons from the private sector and Bringing open government to theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day, and thank you, organized labor!Benjamin Strong: Federal Employee Internet Bill of RightsIrish Times: Innovation in the city Peter Klein: Analyzing the Wikileaks DataJenifer Levini: Easier living through government transparencyAdriel Hampton: How To – Write a News Analysis of Political Use of Twitter and Other Social MediaGov 2.0 Radio: SaaS Before the CloudRead… Read more »

Podcast: SaaS Before the Cloud Was Cool – Rob Hoehn of IdeaScale

Listen to internet radio with Gov20Radio on Blog Talk Radio Join Gov 2.0 Radio producer Adriel Hampton for a conversation with IdeaScale co-founder Rob Hoehn. In the fourth of our series on crowdsourcing, innovation and ideation in the government and enterprise, Rob talks about how business clients are learning from the government, being SaaS beforeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 4, 2010

BBQ reading: Alex Howard: State CIOs rank cloud computing, green IT and social media as top emerging tech Mark Malseed and Lisa Diane: The Hatch Act and Social Media – 6 Plain Language Answers Josh van Tonder: Interviews with Open Government Innovators (video) Economist: The future of the internet: A virtual counter-revolution Ted Schadler: ITRead… Read more »

cool Open Gov event this week in San Fran

I was out in San Francisco this week and attended an event with that city’s CIO that highlighted how developers are using open government data to provide interesting and useful apps for residents– like “MomMaps” for to find clean city parks. We put together a short video with interviews with some of the presenters– definitelyRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – September 3, 2010

Going in circles, or a revolution? In Texas, a Small Town Hopes for a Gov 2.0 Makeover Miracle Gadi Ben-Yehuda: Meeting Halfway – Becoming Citizen 2.0 Christa Miller: First-ever police-on-Twitter report Alex Howard: How Social Data Built a Better Health Care App Richard Fahey: Promoting Innovations through Prize and Challenge Programs Adriel Hampton: San Francisco’sRead… Read more »