Posts Tagged: OpenGov

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 9, 2010

Life’s a game, Internet’s a game: Sen. Kate Lundy: Speech to the Technology in Government and the Public Sector conference Kristin Burnham: A Victory for Social Media – Inside the Election of Columbia’s New President Richard Abshire: Dallas Police Chief David Brown urges social media to catch ‘unrepentant criminals’ CivSource: New Open 311 integration toolkitRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 8, 2010

Our man Ressler in WaPo (and Charney, too): Kyle VanHemert: Bill Gates Thinks the Web Will Soon Offer the Best College Education Andrew P. Wilson: We Can Lead and Be Leaders John F. Moore: The Social Ecosystem – The biggest barrier to success? Education Lisa Rein: A new batch of younger employees finding their placeRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 7, 2010

The beat goes on: Stephanie Gerson: Moneyball, policy wikis, and government 2.0 Aliya Stenstein: EPA posts toxic data early to encourage crowdsourcing Jenara Nerenberg: Now Chile Wants a Silicon Valley of Its Own – But Where’s the Homegrown Talent? Tom Philpott: The history of urban agriculture should inspire its future Tim O’Reilly: Opening the doorsRead… Read more »

The Ethics of Public Participation

This post was originally published on the Intellitics blog on Thursday, August 5, 2010: The Ethics of Public Participation. Subscribe to our blog via RSS or follow us on Twitter. It seems the topic of ethics and integrity in public participation is coming up more often these days (see my comments here, here). Just forRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 6, 2010

Are you rockin’ with GovLoop? Nat Torkington: Gov 2.0 as means not end Gloria Goodale: Can social media save the world? Some nonprofits give it a try Andrea DiMaio: Who Should Be Transparent, What for and How Much? Steve Lunceford: Another Twitter first: Pelosi tweet reconvenes the U.S. House of Representatives Stuart McKee: HeyGov! forRead… Read more »

Reason No. 1 for “bite-sized” government: Play nice with the media.

Why get along with the media? You’ll fare better on the front page. I’m a former government news reporter and can tell you firsthand that secrecy—sometimes in the form of complicated terminology— leads to unfavorable stories, even if political decisions are well founded and necessary. I sat through countless city and county meetings. For theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Radio Hot Links – August 5, 2010

The reality of unreality: Brian Solis: Influence is Bliss – The Gender Divide of Influence on Twitter Mark Headd: The case for open transit data Adam P. Zuckerman: Survey – GOP and Dems utilize Twitter differently David Forbes: The good side of tribes (really) John Bordeaux: You Don’t Know What You Think You Know JohnRead… Read more »

Open Gov Backup Plans

Ok, so Open Gov is coming into the government in bigger and better ways — a lot of it thanks to the Obama Administration. Kudos. Now, the bad side: lots of people are pissed at Obama. If Open Gov becomes too associated with Obama and he loses 2 years from now, Open Gov may sufferRead… Read more »

GovLoop Launching Series on Huffington Post

So I’m pretty excited that we are writing a regular series on government at the Huffington Post. It’ll be a mix of some of the regular blogs I write here spruced up for a larger audience, some new original content, and any other suggestions from others. If you are interested at all in getting featured,Read… Read more »