Posts Tagged: OpenGov

Lessons Learned from Australia – Kate Lundy

Had Kate Lundy from Australia Senate on Gov 2.0 Radio show on Sunday. They’ve done an amazing online and offline for the Gov 2.0 Taskforce where they’ve held 3 in-person meetings to get feedback combined with online at same time where they have Twitter, live-stream, Slideshare, Flickr, YouTube/Vimeo, and Facebook. She had a few lessonsRead… Read more »

Transparency without a Community Makes You Invisible #LocalGovChat

The argument of whether to prioritize and set goals for transparency or responsiveness when implementing #Gov20 for local government agencies gets mixed reactions. It’s easy to say both should be a priority, but with limited time, money and man power this isn’t always a realistic option. So what’s the answer? It’s impossible to get evenRead… Read more »

DC Government budget transparency – What’s up with all the fees?

Ever wonder how much DC Government collects in “Out of state Vehicle Registration Fees”?. What about the “Underground Storage Tank Fines and Fees”? Library Fines? What about the proceeds from busting illegal gambling and narcotics operations? Where does this money go? What services does it fund? Now you can research this and other similar informationRead… Read more »

Live Blog & Video – Service Delivery New Brunswick

Live-blogging from notes Service One – Integrated Service Delivery and the Need for a Paradigm Shift Stephen Dixon Service New Brunswick Service vs Enforcement/Monopoly -Private sector – service quality and standards -Government regulations enforcement interactions with public -Putting a square peg in a round hole – public vs private is different It’s not aboutRead… Read more »

Live-blogging – Open Data Best Practices

Live-blogging from MISA…Great roundtable of rockstar Canadian CIO and govies City of Ottawa (@rob_giggey)-Find different ways to get citizens to participate to find solutions to problems-Reviewed data dissemination policy-Said don’t need an open data policy – just need guidance to move towards being open…all departments should look to release as much data as possible-Launched siteRead… Read more »

Live-Blogging – Michael Walsh – Gartner

Live blogging…Michael Smith of Gartner at MISA Canada. The Value of IT -Productivity growth in U.S. economy – -Each year 2.5% increase in productivity from 2000-2007-IT Capital and Application of IT have biggest improvements on productivity (Non-IT capital and multifactor productivity, and labor composition also)-80% of U.S. productivity growth comes from IT IT Productivity Gap-ITRead… Read more »

Live-blogging – David Eaves – Open Gov Canada

David “to prophesy is difficult – especially about the future” – chinese proverb“future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed” So I’m live at the Municipal Information Systems Agency 2010…live-blogging the keynote. David “to prophesy is difficult – especially about the future” – chinese proverb“future is already here – it’s justRead… Read more »