Posts Tagged: OpenGov

New DC CTO not so hot on apps contests?

Bryan Sivak, Washington DC’s new CTO, in an interview recently about the outcomes of their Apps for Democracy contests (paraphrasing): Applications spun up by these contests tend to be more “cool” than useful to the average city resident. Designed for devices that aren’t necessarily used by the large populations that might need to interact withRead… Read more »

5 Social media tips for city government

Congratulations! Your city has made the decision to engage in social media as another tool to connect with citizens. You set up your community on Facebook and Twitter, and now you’re wondering what you’ve gotten yourself into. I’ve learned a lot through the City of Reno’s adventure with social media, and I have some tipsRead… Read more »

Government Social Media: If You Don’t Want to Engage, Don’t Bother

There has been an unquestionable explosion of government social media use in the last year. Last week, GovTwit, the Twitter directory of government agencies and officials reported 44.9 million followers for the 3,000 IDs it tracks, after starting in 2009 with just a handful of accounts. Still, towns, agencies and leaders not using social mediaRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0: Are You Ready? You’ve Made the Decision, What is the Impact?

By Luis Benavides, Business Development Manager In the past when I was invited to talk to customers about SharePoint on NetApp (SnapManager for SharePoint) I would always start the conversation off by talking about the world of ‘collaboration’ and endless possibilities, about how SharePoint is a starting point; integration with Project Server, BizTalk, StreamingRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Notes form Sonal Shah – WH Director of Soc Entrepreneurship

Sonal Shah – WH Director of Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation How do we look at these problems differently? With technology, innovation, and people…what keeping us from scaling great ideas. 3 perspectives the office works from: 1-Capital – How can gov’t deploy capital differently to ensure best ideas to capital. In social sectors, get a grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Anil Dash – Expert Labs

These are the most interestingly technological challenges we can engage in Participation – Expert Labs – independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan-help policy makers make decision makers make better decisions through crowdsourcing-Part of AAAS-Can publish their findngs as an experiment Got to make ideas accessible-Time for me to get a new phone…what smartphone should I get? Was ableRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Lightning Talks Notes

New Orleans Data Group Best practices-Put metadata in plain sites and in plain english-Prove technical discussion-Fix and explain errors to locals. Go to people and see how apps perform in real-world situation. Less than 5% of web visitors have low-res displays. But 60% of senior leaders did.-Credible app – Happier neighborhood-Non-profits use data in grantRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Jeff Jonas on Data Context and Spear Phishing

Jeff Jonas notes from Gov 2.0 expo keynote Data will find data and relevance will find you-amazing ads tailored just for you-populations spear phised en masse Context accumulating systems used to deliver value in real-timeBetter understanding something by taking into account the things around it Data without context vs Data in context…so much more usefulRead… Read more »

Gov 2 Expo – Citizen Engagement Rocking Out

Dan Munz of GSA and Peter Levin VA CTO talking about citizen engagement… Some key take aways-Citizen engagement is about making GOVERNMENT WORK BETTER…Not about cool tech, cool ideas.-GSA has lots of upcoming items including challenge platform, citizen engagement platform, and Fedspace coming up. VA is serious about engagement-300,000 employees in VA, 50,000 in VBA-VeteransRead… Read more »