Understand First, Then Form Your Opinion
Practical advice on how to gather enough information to get a basic understanding of an issue to form you own opinion.
Practical advice on how to gather enough information to get a basic understanding of an issue to form you own opinion.
I scan the title of Govloop entries an click on those that tickle my interest. It seems as more than a few of these entries are surveys seeking opinions and views on a focused topic. I also get unsolicited surveys in email. Someone gave considerable tought to developing the survey instrument, selecting just the rightRead… Read more »
It’s true that negative public perceptions of Feds are more commonplace today than during prior years and decades — as discussed in Part I of my post on this topic. Therefore, some have suggested the solution is a wholescale rebranding of the Federal workforce, which appears to be a popular idea in theory. But toRead… Read more »
Does the Federal Government need to rebrand itself, as some have recently suggested, due to low public approval, politically-charged rhetoric, and negative stereotypes of Federal employees? I think not. Rather, I stipulate that: 1) Rebranding Feds is unnecessary and inadvisable at this time, and 2) There is no real “crisis” for Feds that warrants aRead… Read more »
Social sentiment matters — customer opinions, attitudes, and emotions — rants and raves that affect corporate reputation, provide valuable market and brand insights, and help you understand and engage with customers. Yet there are too many low-grade tools out there. Sentiment analysis done right is about much, much more than simply scoring tweets and reviews.Read… Read more »
As the first decade of the 21st Century ends, I hope that the economic events of the last thirty-five years finally loosen the hold that neoclassical economics has on public policy. It is widely recognized that the accepted economic models that governments use to shape policy are just not empirically valid. Today’s economies are vastlyRead… Read more »
The State Department visualizes data, the FBI has an app for that, the First Lady offers prizes to get kids moving, and the Department of Homeland Security sniffs out a unique mobile application, all in this week’s version of the Rock Creek Roundup. –Earlier this week, the State Department, in conjunction with the University ofRead… Read more »