Posts Tagged: outsourcing

IBM Center Round Up, December 12 – 16

Okay, so we weren’t going to publish a Round Up this week since several of us are on vacation, but here are three stories I didn’t want to sit on since they are long and you might want to read them during leisure moments during your holiday vacation! This is a detail-rich case study ofRead… Read more »

New: Procurement as a Service

Combine winning strategies from centralised and decentralised models. What you’ll gain from this: leadership and local ownership… By: Gavin Bowden-Hall “Aggregation across the business will deliver commercial benefits but Procurement is best placed to spot the opportunities” As organisations become flatter so Procurement has to find new ways of delivering expertise into the business andRead… Read more »

Procurement Takes Leading Role

While we are hearing a lot of talk about Procurement Shared Services from the corporate side, the public sector may be a step ahead on this one… By: SSON SSON interview with Paul Sutton, General Manager for Corporate Services at the City of Charles Sturt, Australia. “In terms of the marketing and communications area, that’sRead… Read more »

Britain…Open to Outsourcing

With various governments limiting the amount of outsourcing programs, Mark Kobayashi-Hillary predicts that the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese IT industries will become the best in the world… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillar Who can remember that distant hazy past where Barack Obama was campaigning to become president of the USA and he talked of creating more AmericanRead… Read more »

Governments’ demands limit IT Outsourcing

Government bureaucracy and red tape stand in the way of IT companies trying to deliver efficient services… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, IT Editor, Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON), There are two stories in the press in the last month that are apparently unconnected, but should be of interest to those focused on IT outsourcing. First,Read… Read more »