Posts Tagged: Pages

Rainmaker #9 Convey Your Business Personality – Easy, Simple, and Free

Definition: A Rainmaker creates a significant amount of new business for a company. The Sales Lab Rainmaker Series is one rainmaker technique for technologists during the first 300 seconds (five minutes) of the monthly Capital Technology Management Hub Meeting. This is the handout for our December meeting. At the beginning of this Rainmaker presentation inRead… Read more »

Don’t Have a City Facebook Page? It’s OK, Facebook’s Made One (For You?)

Back in April, Facebook launched something called “Community Pages,” which far as I can tell, simply scrapes Wikipedia content and public status updates and populates the pages with “fans” who mentioned the page term in their profile. Thought your city didn’t have a fan Page on Facebook? I’ll bet it does. Your council’s been handwringingRead… Read more »