“One-Stop Shops” Can Improve Access to Public Services
Apply a human-centered approach to public service delivery by creating “one-stop shops” where people can find everything they need to solve a whole problem or complete an entire activity.
Apply a human-centered approach to public service delivery by creating “one-stop shops” where people can find everything they need to solve a whole problem or complete an entire activity.
New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Protection saw a surge in harmful algal blooms in lakes and reservoirs so it launched an interactive mapping tool.
Sure, you can designate an outdoor space for use, but how can you ensure that it equitably meets your residents’ needs?
Urban green spaces can serve so many purposes for so many people as long as they’re amenity-rich, accessible and visible.
July is National Parks and Recreation Month! To celebrate, MPA@UNC created a series of graphics highlighting interesting facts about the many benefits of parks. Click here to view the full series: Why Are Parks Important? Parks, whether they are city, state, or national parks, play a major role in the health of a community. NotRead… Read more »
It’s National Park Week! Go out and celebrate “America’s best idea” with free admission to all National Parks from April 20-28th. Learn more about the history and scope of our National Parks from this infographic from UNC-Chapel Hill’s public administration program and OnlineMPADegrees.com: OnlineMPADegrees.com & MPA@UNC
With all the Federal Government bashing going on in the press and social media, it’s a good time to remember all the valuable things the Government does for its citizens. One of the best and most widely valued of these is caring for our national parks. Every year the National Park Service holds a photoRead… Read more »
United States government agencies haven’t exactly made much positive fiscal publicity for themselves over the last several years, but that may soon change for the better. Under direction from the Obama administration, agencies are adopting better business processes, most particularly through usage of expense management and invoice management solutions. Most recently, the U.S. National ParkRead… Read more »
The second in my series of articles on the Virginia State Parks Youth Conservation Corps – an example of government at its best, preparing youth for the future. Year after year we tell park staff – the Youth Conservation Corps crew will get more done than you expect. Even parks that have had crews yearRead… Read more »
With tea partiers running around the country talking about the evils of government, I love to point out when government does really great things. In it’s ninth year, our Virginia State Parks Youth Conservation Corps is a very good thing. Here is a post I wrote for our blog. It probably doesn’t make sense toRead… Read more »