Posts Tagged: partnerships

Federal Government Reform Resources: Memos to National Leaders

President Obama said in his first post-election press conference that he was going to ask Governor Romney’s advice on government reform. There has been a lot of advice developed in recent months! Here are some potential resources for them to draw upon. If President Obama meets with Governor Romney to discuss ways to reform theRead… Read more »

The “Government” Network

By Heidi Sheppard On a typical INEAP meeting day I might hear a conversation among representatives from the Economic Development Administration (EDA), the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discussing cluster development initiatives and how to work together. In another corner, the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Department of CommerceRead… Read more »

Getting Partnerships Back On Track

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION So you formed a partnership with another company, but it is not providing as much value as the effort you invested. In a prior blog article, “To Partner or Not To Partner” we discussed the pre-screening factors that you should consider before forming a partnership.Read… Read more »

To Partner or Not To Partner? How choosing the right partners can add value to sales efforts.

This article was originally published on Tri Tuns Blog. OBSERVATION Consulting firms often debate whether to apply their business development effort toward building a partnership vs. seeking direct client opportunities. One key benefit of forming a partnership is the ability to expand sales opportunities while sharing marketing and sales costs. As tempting as it isRead… Read more »

Public-Private Partnership Method Helps Save Local Government Money and Jobs (WEBINAR)

ATTEND THIS WEBINAR: P3 Method Helps Government Agencies Save (Earn 1 CLP Credit) $25 registration The Acquisition Institute Inc., Link – (CLICK HERE) DATE: 1 DEC 1PM EST. (1-2PM) REGISTER AT: and for more info go to read about TBC at: under TBC Method EARN CREDIT: All attendees (even listeners) will earnRead… Read more »

Towards a broader concept of public-private partnerships:

Public-private partnerships (PPP)is a hot topic now as government at all levels redouble efforts to find practical and affordable solutions to society’s many pressing social and community problems. PPPs seem to represent a relatively painless way to share the effort, leverage resources and provide win-win situations. And there is concrete progress. For example the Obama’sRead… Read more »

Innovative Partnerships: There’s More than One Way to Build a Road

In the last posting for my featured Govloop series and Phase One Consulting Group’s “Transformation in the Federal Sector” blog, otherwise known as “jennovation”, I highlighted the major motivations for public-private partnerships. In the discussion resulting from that posting, it was clear that there was some confusion about what forms public-private partnerships can take. AreRead… Read more »