Posts Tagged: performance management

5 Reasons Why SMART Goals Are Better Than New Year’s Resolutions

SMART goals can serve as a personal and professional achievement roadmap and are superior to resolutions. Here’s why you should adopt the model now.

Planning Performance Appraisal Success in a Virtual World

It is never too early to think about how to plan for performance appraisal success, especially in a virtual world.

The Evolution of Performance Management in Government

Policymakers wanting to improve their government’s performance are often presented with a rich menu of choices by their advisers. They are told that they could choose from several options: Budgeting Reforms, Performance Budgeting, Outcome Budgeting, Performance Agreement, Project Management, Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E), ISO 9000, Lean Sigma and so on. Alas, as we shall see,… Read more »