What’s Our Plan to Reach Done as Needed?
It is the discipline that requires the most focus for the planners and program controls staff. Without this discipline, the development of a credible baseline is simply not possible.
It is the discipline that requires the most focus for the planners and program controls staff. Without this discipline, the development of a credible baseline is simply not possible.
Performance management programs can provide considerable benefits to government organizations; however, poorly implemented programs can lead to detrimental organizational outcomes. Read on to explore seven high-impact dangers of poorly implemented performance management programs.
Performance management programs have more benefits than you may think.
The first thing I learned about performance management when I entered federal service was quite clear: it’s a huge stressor for everyone. There are few topics quicker to engender eye rolls, sighs, or head shaking. No one likes talking about it, and dealing with it is downright painful. So why is this? There are many… Read more »
This fall you will be particularly pressed for time as ratings get passed like a baton through your agency’s process.
With the right combination of culture and compensation, younger employees won’t want to leave.
In some instances, particular critical elements and performance requirements of senior executives may already be part of the system. If not, or if tweaks or modifications are required, simple configuration changes can be made to accommodate the new elements. It can be as easy as flipping a switch, rather than the historical long, drawn-out process.
Virtually across the board, federal agencies are taking a hard look at performance management and recognizing that change is needed. Almost unbelievably, too many agencies are stuck with a pen-to-paper process, with limited or no automation and no analytical data for decision making, accountability and insight. With large workforces spanning hundreds to thousands to tens… Read more »
Are you happy with your boss? Do you feel appreciated for your contributions? How satisfied are you with your work environment? Your answer to those questions will probably vary somewhat based on your position in the workforce. However, if you’re in the public sector, your responses may be drastically different from your boss’s. Each year,Read… Read more »
If we can get smarter about what we devour, we should be able to do the same with the disdained annual performance review. Thankfully, we are. Perhaps nothing in the HR field is under as much attack these days as the annual performance review, an event typically loathed equally by both employee and manager. As… Read more »