Posts Tagged: performance

Federal Performance Framework: Look Back to Look Forward

Earlier this month, a forum co-hosted by the National Academy of Public Administration and the IBM Center for The Business of Government reflected on the evolution of a results-oriented federal performance management system over the past two decades and how it will evolve over the next few years. The forum participants comprised a range ofRead… Read more »

How federal CIOs can optimize their application portfolios

CIOs in the federal sector were under the gun clean house by June 12, 2012. According to the federal IT Reform Plan, these tech leaders had to demonstrate to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) that, after careful review of their portfolios, they had remedied or retired underperforming applications. I recently wrote about theRead… Read more »

Want something? Ask for it.

Stop wishing and start asking for what you want It happens to everyone eventually. You don’t get what you want. Maybe it was the pony you really wanted at Christmas or the job promotion that went to a colleague. It really doesn’t matter because it always hurts, not getting what you want. I think mostRead… Read more »

Motivating Your Employees When Change Is Looming Around The Corner

Fiscal cliff, political objections, merging agencies, and pay decrease discussions around the water cooler have many government employees concerned. Many of us are wondering what exactly 2013 is going to look like for ourselves and for our country. Now is the time for agency leaders to take action and encourage their teams. Culture can beRead… Read more »

Making Performance Based Service Acquisition Work for You

By Donald Freedman, Senior Fellow, DoD DAWIA III, PMP Professional sports have successfully used Performance Based Contracting. Baseball players get bonuses for such things as making the all-star team, or winning so many games as a pitcher. Football players sometimes have a contract bonus tied to the number of offensive or defensive plays in whichRead… Read more »

Federal Government Reform Resources: Memos to National Leaders

President Obama said in his first post-election press conference that he was going to ask Governor Romney’s advice on government reform. There has been a lot of advice developed in recent months! Here are some potential resources for them to draw upon. If President Obama meets with Governor Romney to discuss ways to reform theRead… Read more »