Posts Tagged: performance

Government Reform: An International Snapshot of Progress on Performance Management (Part 1)

The World Bank held a series of seminars this past Spring on the state of the international public sector performance and results movement over the past two decades. I came away more encouraged than I had expected regarding advances in several developing nations – with implications for the more developed countries. The World Bank heldRead… Read more »

NextGen will lead to more effective government

In 1992 when some of you NextGen attendees were small, a report came out on applying entrepreneurial principles to make government more effective. Authors David Osborne and Ted Gaebler described why performance measures are important: • What gets measured gets done. • If you can’t measure results, you can’t tell success from failure. • IfRead… Read more »

What Happens After Performance Numbers Are Reported?

Most local governments resist setting and evaluating performance goals. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to their credit requires local governments that receive HUD funds to submit a Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). The CAPER explains how a local government is carrying out its housing and community development strategies, projects,Read… Read more »

Navigating the Miserable Workplace

I was reading Deb Green’s post, Preventing the Miserable Workplace — that was miraculously trending on the GovLoop homepage this morning, four months after its original publish date — and it reminded me of a conversation I had with a fed employee friend who is unequivocally unhappy with his workplace. Deb’s post is about howRead… Read more »

Using Consultations to Make Informed Decisions

A perennial lament by advocates of the use of performance measures is that Congress seems to rarely use them in making decisions. Here’s a guide prepared by GAO, along with three examples of how congressional committees have used performance information to make decisions. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) works for Congress and is a bigRead… Read more »

Managing Risk the Smart Way

Which risks can be managed using a compliance model vs. which risks need other approaches? Robert Kaplan and Anette Mikes provide a framework in a great Harvard Business Review article. In their HBR article, “Managing Risks: A New Framework,” Kaplan and Mikes say: “risk management is too often treated as a compliance issue that canRead… Read more »

When Government Agencies Receive High Klout Scores, Does it Really Mean They Have More Clout?

IBM Center for the Business of Government recently issued a report that provides some very interesting social media insights for federal agencies: which agencies have the highest Klout rankings. If you are not familiar with Klout, it essentially measures your overall social media influence. For example, when you create content or engage through social networks,Read… Read more »

Efficient Construction Project Delivery Methods, BIM, and Cost Estimating

BIM Construction Cost Estimating – Top Ten List First and foremost BIM is the life-cycle management of the built environment supported by digital technology. While the industry is currently fixated upon 3D visualization tools, aka Revit, Archicad, Bentely… they only represent optional components of a BIM solution. Construction cost estimating, and robust, proven project deliveryRead… Read more »

Monday Morning News Kick Off: DOE Offers 3D Employee Training; GSA Wants to be “Government Savings Agent; and Cyber Chief Plans “Long Harley Ride”

Welcome to the Monday Morning News Kick Off post from the FedConnects blog. We hope you’ve had a restful weekend and are ready to be the smartest and most efficient government or contractor professional possible. Here’s all the actionable news you need to achieve these goals. Happy Monday! Department of Energy Offers Online Training toRead… Read more »

Customer Service Bill Is Resurrected

Will feds soon be asking their customers if they are satisfied with the service they’ve received? Following the customer service initiatives launched by Gore’s reinventing government team in the 1990s, the federal government has waxed and waned on the importance of customer service in the course of serving the public. With citizen satisfaction with governmentRead… Read more »