How to Implement Innovations
Innovation is more than a process: It’s a culture. Here’s how Philadelphia’s Office of Innovation and Technology makes it happen.
Innovation is more than a process: It’s a culture. Here’s how Philadelphia’s Office of Innovation and Technology makes it happen.
To tackle pressing issues, state and local agencies are improving their processes of collaborating and sharing data to drive solutions. Here are some examples.
This post is an interview excerpted from GovLoop’s recent guide, The Future of Digital Services. In the guide, we explore five trends that are transforming the way government serves citizens in the digital age. There’s more to digital services strategy than placing information online. You also have to draw citizens to your portal and getRead… Read more »
Philadelphia is the fifth largest US city with a population of 1.5 million. The City sought a better way to serve and connect with its diverse community, and to empower its residents to participate in improving their quality of life. The City partnered with PublicStuff to supplement its 311 call center with an interactive mobile… Read more »
On Tuesday April 8th, GovLoop hosted our third annual Government Innovators Virtual Summit. This year we focused on “Innovations that Matter” and how to make innovation stick at your agency. Read this recap of our session on a new open-source solution in Philadephia and head here for the full recordings. More blog coverage of theRead… Read more »
By Tess Mullen, Associate Consultant When I worked in Congress prior to coming to Fels, I quickly learned that debates over taxes dominate the House and Senate floor on a near weekly basis. As such, I came to graduate school with a desire to dig into the details of how different tax policies actually playRead… Read more »
Citizen engagement is one of the most popular topics today in municipal government. There’s not a city out there that isn’t trying to figure out a way to get their citizens more involved and it’s understandable why. A new study came out that showed cities and states that have higher levels of citizen engagement, actuallyRead… Read more »
By Kimberly Leichtner, Associate Consultant On Tuesday June 26th, Fels alum Talia Stinson, ’10, moderated a lively discussion on the new voter ID law between Carol Aichele, Secretary of the Commonwealth; Tony Payton, Jr., State Representative for the 179th Legislative District; and Al Schmidt, Philadelphia City Commissioner. Act 18 was signed into law by GovernorRead… Read more »
By Sam Williford, Associate Consultant As Greece holds elections this weekend that are chiefly framed around government spending, it is easy to forget about the other part of finance: tax collections. It’s an integral part of learning about finance at Fels, and today’s deal in Philadelphia to raise property taxes and postpone the Actual ValueRead… Read more »
By Kimberly Leichtner, Associate Consultant Now that summer solstice is just around the corner (officially June 20, 2012), I figured it was time to brush the dust off that bike I got last summer and start riding to work. In fact, last month was National Bike Month sponsored by the League of American Bicyclists. AlthoughRead… Read more »