No One of Us Is as Smart as All of Us
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller spoke this line. How amazing that words from the 1920s are so relevant today.
Communications, Professional Development, Project Management, Reading List
“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” Helen Keller spoke this line. How amazing that words from the 1920s are so relevant today.
While we have outgrown many things, like baby food, safety scissors, and napping in public with impunity, there are some parts of our childhood that stay with us forever. The movies we watched are one such example. What gives Disney and Pixar films staying power are the lessons they can teach us at all stages… Read more »
Agency chief operating officers are required to conduct quarterly progress reviews on priority goals. Sometimes called “PerformanceStat” meetings, they can be effective problem-solving sessions or terrifying blame games. So, how do you make PerformancStat meetings effective? OMB says that these review meetings should be constructive and focus on learning. Astute observers, such as Harry HatryRead… Read more »
You should: His speech is 14 minutes long.