Posts Tagged: policy

Revised – Social Media Policy and Guidance

In May last year i published the councils first version of our Social Media Policy and Guidance. Since then we have reviewed them and have updated them to focus more on achieving business benefit then simply taking advantage of social media tools like twitter, facebook you tube etc. The revision is the result of additionalRead… Read more »

Is telework close to becoming a reality for federal employees?

Last November, HP partnered with the Virginia based Telework Exchange to put on the inaugural Great Commuter Stress Out event in D.C.’s Woodrow Wilson Plaza. The event provided fun activities such as a free massages and a car-shaped piñata for attendees to strike as a means of releasing commuter tension. Additionally, Congressman Gerry Connolly, D-Read… Read more »

How Public Safety Agencies Can Use Social Media to Engage Their Employees

The Los Angeles Fire Department is a pioneer among public safety agencies and emergency responders in the usage of social media. The Department’s initial social media efforts began in 2005 and have since garnered recognition nationwide. LAFD’s presence is spread across multiple social media channels including Twitter, Facebook (look up the group “Los Angeles FD),Read… Read more »

The Future of Federal IT Spending

(Note this Blog is written by Rick Marcotte, CEO of DLT Solutions and comes from A recently published and well-read blog in this sector recently disclosed that government contractors surveyed by Grant Thornton LLP experienced revenue boosts from federal business during the past year. Here are a couple of thoughts on why that mightRead… Read more »

On “The Game-ified Life”

Kevin Kelly is one of those old-time Internet institutions. He’s the founding executive editor of Wired magazine and a former editor/publisher of the Whole Earth Catalog. His Cool Tools blog is one I follow regularly through the RSS feed. I was recently referred, however, to his Technium blog and the post “The Game-ified Life”. InRead… Read more »

Privacy News Highlights – Feb 13 – 28

Privacy News Highlights 13–28 February 2010 Contents: EU – Legality of Fingerprint Database to be Tested in Netherlands Court 3 CA – Alberta Retailer Ordered to Stop Credit Checks. 3 CA – Privacy Commissioner Cites Sobeys for Collecting Personal Info. 3 CA – Saskatchewan Privacy Boss Decries Denial of New Staff 4 CA – CommissionersRead… Read more »

DoD Social Media Policy

Just Released: Official DoD Social Media Policy to “provide access to Internet-based capabilities” So basically, it’s now official that DoD folks can access Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. and establish official presences on these websites. What to expect: CIO: Will provide implementation guidance. After all, there is some tech involved in the proper use ofRead… Read more »

Call for ideas: Harvard and FutureGov research into Frontiers of Service in a Networked World

Complete our survey, tag content HKS20 (#HKS20 on Twitter), leave comments to this blog or email me by Friday 26th February to share your thoughts on the current and future use of technology in public service delivery This article has been reposted from FutureGov’s site. The initial deadline for ideas was this Friday 26th February,Read… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Partnerships Anyone?

When first launched in January 2009, we had very little partnership help. In the year since our launch, that has changed with brands like Foreign Policy teaming up with us during our Who Runs the War Project, which created thousands of extra page views. Main Justice, Medill Journalism School and Govloop are other partnersRead… Read more »