Posts Tagged: policy

Facebook Questions are Great for Gov, but be Careful…

On March 24, Facebook rolled out the Questions feature to all its users. It’s a new way to ask and get answers from your friends or fans on Facebook. For government, this could be a great opportunity to get direct feedback for Product development How can we improve our current website? How difficult was itRead… Read more »

Energy Melt Down – Should the U.S. Review our Nuclear Regs??

The recent events in Japan, and the subsequent danger looming from a possible nuclear melt down have some U.S. lawmakers calling for a review of regulations in the U.S. This coming on the heels of 20 proposed new U.S. nuclear power plants that are awaiting approval, following a 30 year lull in new construction afterRead… Read more »

What Can Government Learn from a Cell Phone?

More and more government agencies are jumping on the social media bandwagon, but not all are starting with a social media policy. Some simply go forth and facebook, not realizing the ramifications of generating official information on a third party website. Are social media policies really needed? Yes. I’d like to use an analogy toRead… Read more »

Introducing the Model Open Government Directive for Local Government

In December, Kevin Curry, Alissa Black, Scott Primeau, and I began working on a model open government directive while at Citycamp Colorado. After a flurry of work over the last month, we, with the help of a few dozen additional open government advocates, are able to bring you the model directive for local government. ThisRead… Read more »

Digital Divide is a poor choice of words

I have been thinking a lot about issues and cultural influencers contributing to the digital divide issues in America. I have mentioned certain aspects and manifestations of Digital divide in my previous blog posts here, here and here. One of the prevalent misunderstandings among policy makers regarding Digital Divide issues is that it is somehowRead… Read more »

Scientific Integrity: Fueling Innovation, Building Public Trust

The White House Blog Scientific Integrity: Fueling Innovation, Building Public Trust Posted by John P. Holdren on December 17, 2010 at 02:17 PM EST On March 9, 2009, President Obama issued a Presidential Memorandum on Scientific Integrity emphasizing the importance of science in guiding Administration decisions and the importance of ensuring that the public trustsRead… Read more »

NASA Ranks as Most Social Media-Savvy in U.S., Study Says

If organizations that used Facebook to disseminate their message were actual people, NASA would be the captain of the football team and the class president, the White House would be his cheerleader girlfriend and the the Department of Commerce would be the nerd they both pushed into a locker, according to a new study fromRead… Read more »

Five Recommendations for Educating Leaders in Technology and Government 2.0

Originally posted at my blog Last month I attended the Belfer Center’s Conference on Technology and Governance 2.0. The conference featured amazing attendees – Ellen Miller (Sunlight), Mike Klein (Sunlight), Karen Gordon Mills (US Small Business Administration), Mitch Kapor (Electronic Frontier Foundation), Paul Sagan (Akamai), Susan Crawford (Cardozo), Jonathan Zittrain (Harvard), Nicco Mele (Harvard/EchoRead… Read more »

Looking for a listing of Social Media Policies and Guidelines?

We are developing a running list of the most recent government policies on social media, networking, and privacy. If you see that we are missing a policy memo, or guidelines from a government agency, please let me know. Take a look at our list so far (it’s small but it’s growing!):