In Praise of Grinders: They Get The Job Done
Why does everyone have to move up constantly? What is wrong with staying in a place where you’re happy, and doing good work every day?
Why does everyone have to move up constantly? What is wrong with staying in a place where you’re happy, and doing good work every day?
Praise can fill your team with pride and can become something to look forward to during the most challenging of days.
Somedays, don’t you just wish you had a magic wand that would make everything better with the people you work with? A magic formula, a secret potion that would make the work go better, and your working relationships run smoother? Guess what? There is! One of the simplest yet most effective practices to improve yourRead… Read more »
Greetings all, This is my first post (like, ever) so be kind. I was tempted to write up a piece on how resolutions are mostly meaningless without well thought-out objectives and milestones. I’d make a clever connection to how organizations often make the same mistake when taking on major change management or training initiatives. AsRead… Read more »
Talk to me, folks – you’ve seen me in the past here on GovLoop talking about college football and college basketball – you will see that again. I was fortunate enough to have Steve Ressler ask me to blog here about college athletics from time time (and I’m extremely informal with my blogging) – IRead… Read more »
Who do you admire? Perhaps you know someone who has overcome some extreme personal challenges or has shown himself to be particularly true to his morals and an example to others. Take a moment and think of at least one person who has impressed you with their actions or kindness. Have you ever told thatRead… Read more »
Okay, well that’s good. Wait until next week to do it! April 10 -16, 2011 is National Public Safety Telecommunications week here in the United States. This is a federally designated week set aside to recognize the efforts of the more than 500,000 men and women who serve as 9-1-1 operators or dispatchers or CommunicationsRead… Read more »