5 Predictions for What Will Happen in Government in 2016
Psychic skills aren’t required to make predictions about the most pressing issues that agencies will be working on over the next year.
Psychic skills aren’t required to make predictions about the most pressing issues that agencies will be working on over the next year.
Is it leaders’ ethical responsibility to use foresight to ensure that today’s decisions reflect the needs of tomorrow?
Does it make any sense for the government to think long term? One agency, NASA, developed a 200-year strategic plan, at one point. They engaged futurists and science fiction writers to help develop a plan for interplanetary exploration. Maybe it makes sense for NASA, but what about other agencies? Strategic foresight is not futurist forecasting,Read… Read more »
For the third year we offer a special listing of the top “Ins and Outs” for technology for cities and counties. See:http://www.pti.org/index.php/ptiee1/more/847/
Today I read a great piece in Inc. Magazine (written by John Brandon) about the 6 Major Tech Innovations that could disrupt business in 2012. You can find the full article here- http://www.inc.com/john-brandon/6-major-tech-innovations-for-2012.html In the author’s order, they are: 1. Predictive Technology 2. HTML5 3. High Resolution Displays (ex. the ‘new’ iPad) 4. Social AnalyticsRead… Read more »
Let me be straight about this blog entry – this is not an advertisement for this agency, I have never worked for this agency, and I receive no benefit from talking about their latest report, the Digital Outlook Report , available for free from their website. That being said, I think government agencies of allRead… Read more »