Preparing for City Emergencies
As a former 911 and 311 director, I clearly remember the challenges of planning for an emergency. Both planned and unexpected emergencies demand an enormous amount of coordination.
As a former 911 and 311 director, I clearly remember the challenges of planning for an emergency. Both planned and unexpected emergencies demand an enormous amount of coordination.
Here are five questions that senior officials in local government should ask to assess the current status of systems of care for common high-risk, time-sensitive emergency conditions.
As a leader or a communicator, are you challenged to motivate others to act? Here are tips on how to communicate effectively utilizing adult learning theory to change behavior.
While the risk to children of gun violence has been in the news lately — the risk to children exposed to extreme natural hazards needs attention too.
When faced with imminent danger, you re-think your lack of preparation and the safety of your loved ones. Here are some lessons you can learn from Hawai’i’s recent false alarm.
Whether it’s a federal government shutdown, planned furloughs, strikes or layoffs, having your income suddenly cut is the type of emergency faced more often by govies. Having some plans in place can get you through having your income drastically cut for a period of time as well as ease the anxiety that goes along with… Read more »
Disasters can hit anyone at anytime and anywhere with little to no warning. They don’t discriminate by age, race, color or religion. Mother Nature has a one track mind when she decides to head your way. Depending on the disaster, you may have days to prepare or no warning at all. Although we can’t possiblyRead… Read more »
When she’s not wearing her 80’s gear and rocking out as the lead singer of our city employee band, the Black Death Socks (BDS), Breanna Medina is the Emergency Management Coordinator for the city of Rancho Cucamonga, California. I asked Bree about her role and how she’s preparing our city to be a resilient community.Read… Read more »
A week ago the famous Napa region was shaken by a 6.0 scale earthquake resulting in serious damage to buildings, injuries and disruptions in services to a large area. This is something residents in the Bay Area have come to expect and we are all waiting for the next “big one”, overdue in most expertsRead… Read more »
Hurricane season is well under way, and we’re highlighting some of our reports and resources that can help inform federal disaster management in events such as hurricanes. 2014’s first named storm, Hurricane Arthur, has already found a place in the record books. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Weather Service, July 3rd—whenRead… Read more »