Posts Tagged: priority

Federal Performance Framework: Look Back to Look Forward

Earlier this month, a forum co-hosted by the National Academy of Public Administration and the IBM Center for The Business of Government reflected on the evolution of a results-oriented federal performance management system over the past two decades and how it will evolve over the next few years. The forum participants comprised a range ofRead… Read more »

Key Features of Cross-Agency Collaboration Mechanisms

How do you organize a cross-agency collaborative effort to get results no single agency could accomplish on its own? The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has developed an inventory of “mechanisms that the federal government uses to lead and implement interagency collaboration,” along with a self-assessment checklist to consider when using them. GAO’s latest study onRead… Read more »

CAP Goals – A New Government Acronym Is Born (Part 1)

CAP Goals with John Kamensky by cdorobek The FY 2013 budget includes a new acronym, “CAP Goals,” which stands for Cross-Agency Priority Goals. These goals stem from a new statutory requirement that the Office of Management and Budget identify and manage a small handful of cross-agency priority goals, covering both mission and mission-support functions. OMBRead… Read more »

Agency Priority Goals: Playing Hide-and-Seek

The FY 2013 budget identifies 103 Agency Priority Goals. They were created in response to requirements in the new GPRA Modernization Act, but the creation of priority goals was initially inspired by an early Obama performance initiative that administratively identified agency “high priority performance goals” after he took office in 2009. It’s a solid start,Read… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 6

The new law includes new requirements for quarterly reviews and progress assessments of governmentwide and agency-level priority goals. Federal Priority Goal Reviews. According to the Senate committee report, the new law: “attempts to lay out a process for reviewing progress towards the federal government priority goals on, at minimum, a quarterly basis. For each federalRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 5

The new law includes new requirements that the governmentwide performance plan (already required by GPRA) include cross-cutting priority goals and it requires agencies to set priority goals as well – and each has to consult with Congress in the development of these goals. The original GPRA requires OMB to develop a governmentwide annual performance plan.Read… Read more »

Equity of Crowdsourcing for Political Issue Prioritization

A tweet came across recently about a website that is working to prioritize political issues at a local level based on people input (essentially similar to – share your idea). I think the idea of a non-partisan, transparent, framework for identifying and promoting the strength/concern of a particular issue is great…. unfortunately, I thinkRead… Read more »