Beyond the Basics: How to Master Holding a Meeting
Over the course of my career, I have run hundreds of meetings, trainings and events in the corporate world, civic organizations and the government — and I’m here to share some tips.
Over the course of my career, I have run hundreds of meetings, trainings and events in the corporate world, civic organizations and the government — and I’m here to share some tips.
Being an effective manager in today’s climate means knowing how to manage through change. So how do you get started? The answer is simple – you get to know yourself first.
Work throws us in a million directions and tests our ability to balance thought and action. But what if there was a way to channel your thoughts to become a better worker?
14 hints on how to encourage greater productivity among your team.
A list of five apps that will save you time.
If you were to come by my desk early Wednesday morning, you would have found me listening to the GovLoop State and Local Government Innovators Virtual Summit on my iPhone while I was working on a presentation and messaging with a colleague about an event we were planning. I was also answering emails in betweenRead… Read more »
We all have that task or two on our to do lists that we just can’t make happen. The one that’s actually pretty important, but gets prioritized somewhere below cleaning out the litter box and doing all the dishes in the office kitchen. There are tons of reasons that we humans avoid work: It’s hard,Read… Read more »
How many hours a day do you spend dealing with your email? It’s probably more than you think. Although email is a useful tool for getting business done, it can also be a huge time suck when you’re wading through confusing team threads or sorting through newsletters you don’t remember subscribing to. Fortunately, some veryRead… Read more »
Whether it is driving down the road, jumping in the shower, or walking out the door for a romantic night on the town; inspiration seems to strike at exactly the wrong time! By incorporating a few technologies, you can harness those strokes of genius and be ready for them, whenever they hits.
Let’s face it. Most of us are no strangers to the challenge of having too much to do and too little time. But what about when you’re not all that busy? On those rare but inevitable occasions in which you’re able to take a breather at work, here are five ways to use that preciousRead… Read more »