Posts Tagged: professional development

7 Books to Help You Prepare for the Presidential Transition

Don’t wait until Election Day. Dive into these books to get prepared for the presidential transition.

The Best Government Conferences of 2016 [Updated]

This list should help you plan for 2016 and start advocating for those precious professional development dollars. Here you’ll find brand new events you might want to check out as well as established events that might be new to you. Many are essential conferences that those working in government cannot do without.

Investing in the Lifecycle of Professional Development

When considering employee investment, we tend to think of helping workers after they’ve been hired. Actually, there is so much more to professional development. In truth, the processes behind targeting, recruiting, and hiring the right personnel for the right positions in your agency are the first few steps in the lifecycle of professional development. RichardRead… Read more »

How to Lead Your Team Out of a Blamestorm

Your team is talking about a tough slog of a project that hasn’t been going well. Milestones have slipped. Deliverables haven’t been delivered. Rather than determining how you can move forward together, your team is fixated on finding someone to blame for what went wrong. Tempers flare as everyone points their finger at everyone else…. Read more »