Keeping your resume fresh while at home
Looking to change jobs once the pandemic is over? Here are various techniques for revamping your resume to mirror your professional goals.
Looking to change jobs once the pandemic is over? Here are various techniques for revamping your resume to mirror your professional goals.
Consider for a moment the folks you admire. The individuals you deem respectable. Do you ever wonder how they came to be an effective communicator or leader? Who helped them along the way? They might tell you the same thing. They had mentors.
“High-quality web content that’s useful, usable, and enjoyable is one of the greatest competitive advantages you can create for yourself online.” ― Kristina Halvorson, Content Strategy for the Web Government agencies rely on websites and other online tools with the view of informing, educating and engaging citizens. But how do we know if we’re actuallyRead… Read more »
There is a perception within the federal government that HR offices in most agencies are the place where people are placed when there’s no place else to put them. I have heard over the years that HR is the location where the “problem” people land. It’s often viewed that all HR employees do is processRead… Read more »
Public health professionals analyze the effect on health of the population and the environment in order to create and develop programs to protect the health of families at the state, local and national levels. These highly qualified professionals attempt to prevent problems from either happening or re-occurring through implementation of educational programs, policies and regulations.Read… Read more »
Wondering if anyone knows whether or not there exists a young professionals in public service networking group in Minnesota? And if there is none, whether young professionals in public service would be interested in creating such a group?
As online video becomes one of the most timely, trusted ways for government to deliver information, learn how one city is using it to connect more closely with their residents. Jacob Abramson, Senior Video Production Coordinator for Surprise 11 in Surprise, Arizona, a two-time Emmy Nominated Video Producer, and14 year veteran in the Network BroadcastRead… Read more »
Happy Sunday GovLoopers! This week I got a chance to chat with the man behind the GovLoop group, Community Education Professionals, Michael O. Johnston. An active GovLooper, especially when it comes to topics such as education, Michael was more then happy to take some time and share some thoughts on GovLoop, education and a fewRead… Read more »