The Value of Self-Reflection
The end of the year is a good time to reflect on challenges and successes, and set goals for the future.
The end of the year is a good time to reflect on challenges and successes, and set goals for the future.
8 lessons learned from failing fast on innovative projects.
“You can’t manage what you don’t measure” is often attributed to business guru Peter Drucker. But Oxford professor Christopher Hood raises a provocative question: Does “management by numbers” actually lead to improved performance? Dr. Hood, who is a well-respected public management professor, poses this question in a recent article in the Public Administration Review andRead… Read more »
Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. With the other HIE, health insurance exchanges, now taking the market by storm, it is easy to forget the exchange that first caught our attention and dominated our coverage for so long: health information exchanges (HIEs). Indeed, even a cursory glance back at the written analysis of our health careRead… Read more »
The Center for American Progress (CAP) found that millennials, defined as Americans between the ages of 18 and 32, have far greater faith in and expectations of government than their older compatriots. This proved true regardless of political affiliation or ideological bent. Two graphs from the report, “The Generation Gap on Government,” drive home theRead… Read more »
For as long as I can remember I have loved creative writing. I loved it because I knew that anything was possible. You can develop any character, create any setting, lead the characters down any path, and choose any number of events to unfold. You are permitted to develop your own rules outside of theRead… Read more »
I had a great day because the folks I work with listened to what I had to say about transparency and Gov 2.0. I expect they’ll be checking out GovLoop and reading this post. That will be a very fine thing. We have a great group of people looking for ways to communicate and buildRead… Read more »
It seems that accountability will be the name of the game in 2009. The Center for American Progress recently issued a report called, “Making Contracting Work for the United States,” which states that recent laws that require more disclosure by government contractors don’t do enough to regulate those companies. Although there has been progress withRead… Read more »