Thank A Govie Today
Check out these two ways to recognize a public servant for their hard work and dedication.
Check out these two ways to recognize a public servant for their hard work and dedication.
As managers look for ways to improve CX within the agencies they lead, they should keep in mind that the most effective changes come when leaders themselves demonstrate a shift in behavior, elevate their focus on improving employee and customer engagement, and prioritize CX in tangible goals and priorities
When looking at public opinion, alone, it never really seems like a great time to be a govie. Stereotypes of waste, fraud, and abuse abound. Despite this less-than-ideal environment, I am truly optimistic about joining the federal workforce as part of the class of 2017 Presidential Management Fellows (PMFs). In interacting with some of my… Read more »
We think it’s important to take some dedicated time to thank the GovLoop community for your work and we wanted to invite you to celebrate by participat
Let’s take a look at the people whose commitment to public service shines brightly, as seen in tweets shared with the #PSRW hashtag.
As you’ve probably heard, this week is Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW). It’s a week dedicated to recognizing government workers who go above and beyond to serve their city, state, or country. Of course, PSRW is definitely a week worth celebrating (if you aren’t yet, start by sending our free e-card). However, I don’t think one week is enoughRead… Read more »
I would like you to suspend reality for a moment and go back in time with me. Our portal to the past transports us back to kindergarten – where the crayons were plentiful and nap time was a required activity. On the wall of the classroom, nestled between finger-painted masterpieces, lies the chart. You know the chartRead… Read more »
One week a year, extra effort goes into making sure that more Americans learn about the awesome people who work in public service. This celebration happens during Public Service Recognition Week from May 3–9, 2015 and honors federal, state, county and local government employees. Across the nation there will be acts of appreciation, special events, media attention, and a social media storm. While publicRead… Read more »
In the almost two dozen years that I’ve had the honor of working with Federal agencies providing Organizational Development consulting, I’ve been impressed with the quality of the people: their commitment to their jobs and the public they serve, and their interest in making broad leaps in innovation. In celebration of Public Service Recognition Week,Read… Read more »
Sunday marks the official start to the Congressionally recognized Public Service Recognition Week. The annual celebration of federal employees and the work they do. This year feds face an austere budget climate, low employee morale and dissatisfied constituents. So PSRW is a nice break, to take a step back and say thank you. Tom FoxRead… Read more »