Secret Professional Development for Community Engagement
If your goal is to stay up to speed on trends in public participation and community engagement, vendor calls can be your connection to the larger community engagement practice.
Citizen Engagement, Learning, Project Management
If your goal is to stay up to speed on trends in public participation and community engagement, vendor calls can be your connection to the larger community engagement practice.
Citizen Engagement, Digital Government, Workplace
Here is what the hip hop group Run-D.M.C. can teach us about developing equity in hybrid meetings mixing in-person and virtual attendees.
Citizen Engagement, Digital Government
So what lessons did we learn from conducting numerous Civic Superhero Training events? Here are my top pieces of advice for engaging with your community.
Our communities are full of caring, motivated people. So how can we facilitate their origin stories? How can we empower our local heroes with what they need to make an impact on our communities?
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Digital Government
Sound public decision-making that embraces public participation is needed at a time when trust in government is at an all-time low. You need a diverse team to improve your practices and adapt to the next big change.
Analytics, Citizen Engagement, State and Local
What the community really wants to know is how their input was incorporated into the project. Here are some practical ways to visualize community feedback.
A digital public event needs a checklist to ensure that you’ve considered everything needed to host a productive conversation.
Citizen Engagement, Communications, Leadership
Why do governments at all levels make it so difficult for those affected by policy decisions to affect those decisions?
Though informing is the first rung in the public participation ladder, it is the second step, consulting, that two—way communication and the promises it entails become paramount. The IAP2 says that the purpose of consulting is “To obtain public feedback on analysis, alternatives and/or decisions.” In essence, agencies enabling this kind of participation are promisingRead… Read more »
There are many roles for social media within government agencies. Joshua Joseph of the Partnership for Public Service is spearheading research into one area: improving operations. We had a lively, discursive conversation yesterday not only about how social media can be used at various points in an agency’s project life-cycle, but about how the PartnershipRead… Read more »