Posts Tagged: public private partnerships

Turn Your Data Analytics Office into an Innovation Matchmaker

To really move the needle in a way that sustainably transforms the organizational culture to a data-driven one, agencies need to progress beyond these initial ad-hoc use cases. They can do this by strategically harnessing the creativity and operational know-how of departmental staff to identify analytics opportunities enterprise-wide.


Best Practices for Implementing a Cloud-Managed Network

Implementing a cloud-managed network is the solution for state and local government officials who believe their organizations lag behind the private sector in offering digital services to users. When executed properly, the cloud can help governments save money, increase security and improve citizen experiences.

Going Digital: How Public-Private Partnerships Can Save the Day

Governments should be looking to the private sector to help achieve their ideal digital futures. Public-private partnerships help governments get more from available resources to increase usability and flexibility online, facilitating better relationships with their citizens.

P3s are Fun for Everyone!

P3s of the future won’t look like P3s of the past. In future, many of the best government employees will be wizards in working with the private sector. Here’s why, plus tips on getting started.

Suburban Sprawl and Sustainable Communities: Enhancing Mission and Public Value through Open Government and Partnerships

For the last year, I’ve been blogging about the three pillars of the Open Government Initiative—transparency, participation and collaboration—both on my featured series on Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog. Each pillar points at the same theme: the Government cannot provide the best value with taxpayer dollars on itsRead… Read more »

Mind the Gap: How Innovative Partnerships Can Help Fill the Funding Gap

In my introductory posting in the “jennovation” series for Govloop and Phase One Consulting Group’s Transformation in the Federal Sector Blog, I introduced you to an innovative platform known as the Department of Education’s Innovation Portal. This week I want to describe a little more about how that portal, in combination with and theRead… Read more »

Innovative Partnerships: There’s More than One Way to Build a Road

In the last posting for my featured Govloop series and Phase One Consulting Group’s “Transformation in the Federal Sector” blog, otherwise known as “jennovation”, I highlighted the major motivations for public-private partnerships. In the discussion resulting from that posting, it was clear that there was some confusion about what forms public-private partnerships can take. AreRead… Read more »