Posts Tagged: public service

Share your public service war stories online anonymously

Everyone has war stories, observations and experiences working in or dealing with government agencies or departments. These aren’t necessarily whinges or complaints, they may be positive or learning experiences, or examples of where small changes could lead to large productivity gains. Previously there was’t really any way to share these stories, except by speaking withRead… Read more »

Being @ the #SOTU #WHTweetUp

Summary. Last night I had the distinct honor and privilege to participate in the White House State of the Union TweetUp. I arrived in my capacity as a private citizen and student from American University (AU). Earlier in the day, as a fellow invited Tweep (i.e., a fun moniker for those of us who microRead… Read more »

Day in the GovLife: Raymond Limon, Chief Human Capital Officer at CNCS

A Day In The GovLife is series that profiles people in interesting or unusual government jobs and gets the scoop on what it’s like to be in that role and how you can get there. Day In The GovLife Interviewee: Raymond Limon Job: Chief Human Capital Officer at the Corporation for National and Community ServiceRead… Read more »

Osama bin Laden and Public Service Recognition Week

Does anyone else find it interesting that the day bin Laden was taken down marked the beginning of Public Service Recognition Week? Recently came across this great post from Federal Computer Week blogger Steve Kelman. Steve talks about how many fail to realize that it was indeed govies who took out the high-profile terrorist. Yes,Read… Read more »

I Got Furlough Fever, and the Only Prescription is….

More cowbell !! No, not really. Look, there’s a lot of emotion in the Federal employee community right now. We want to protest (WP: Fed workers protest shutdown). We have a million questions (GovLoop: Ask About the Shutdown). We want to get practical (GovLoop: Preshutdown Top 10 ToDo List).  We’re thinking ahead (GovLoop: WhatRead… Read more »

Life after Salmon: first steps at government reorganization

On Sunday, Tom Shoop of GovExec’s Fedblog reported that President Obama’s Chief Performance Officer, Jeffrey Zients, will lead the government reorganization effort announced during last week’s State of the Union address. I don’t know about you, but I was ecstatic to see Civil Service reform get a high-profile nod during the address. (Full disclosure: IRead… Read more »

What Drives You?

[Note: cross-posted from] [Photo: my father Rick and my son Kohl, taken back in June 2008] At the last #w2p mixer (an unofficial social event in Ottawa for Government of Canada Web 2.0 Practitioners) a colleague asked me “What drives you?”. I replied that I cared in the movement in a general sense; thatRead… Read more »

Rallying the Troops… Where’s the General? Where is Maximus?

For the longest time, one quote from the movie “Gladiator” keeps coming back to me again and again. But until recently I haven’t figured how it applies in todays environment. The quote is this, “Today I saw a slave become more powerfulthan the emperor of Rome. The gods have spared me? I am at theirRead… Read more »

On My Transformation from Social Worker to Public Servant

I read somewhere that the (median) average age of entry into the Canadian federal public service is 34 years old. That fits me reasonably well; this is my second career. For my first 10 years of “professional” employment I was a social worker, and my speciality was child and adolescent mental health. It was theRead… Read more »