5 Tips From a Former Performer for Improving Oral Presentations
To differentiate yourself from a sea of people doing PowerPoint karaoke, embrace your inner performer.
To differentiate yourself from a sea of people doing PowerPoint karaoke, embrace your inner performer.
Communications, Workplace, Learning, Tech
Public speakers may be tempted to forego using microphones, but they shouldn’t: Millions of people need that audio assist. Without it, a speaker’s message may be lost.
Career, Communications, Professional Development
I have found and utilize these three tips to help offset my own apprehension with public speaking. These tricks can work for you too.
By using these media techniques, a good spokesperson will know how to answer a difficult reporter question with a prepared, key message.
Communications, Professional Development
If you have been given an opportunity to present your knowledge or expertise to an audience, here are some tricks and tips that can help the experience be a good one for both you and your attendees.
These resources are designed to help you unleash your inner potential by giving you the tools and knowledge you need to make your voice heard.
Career, Leadership, Professional Development
Are everyday face-to-face interactions a major source of stress? Learn how to strengthen your public speaking skills and find your professional voice.
Communications, Professional Development
What tactics have you incorporated to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Here are a few I learned.
Career, Professional Development
Learn how to manage your nerves, develop your professional voice and become a confident public speaker.
Learning, Professional Development
“Becoming an Effective Public Speaker” was an online training hosted by GovLoop to help you transform your public speaking skills to connect with any audience.