Case Study: Community Trust Required for AI Initiative in Los Angeles
The city of Los Angeles needed more than partnerships with institutions to roll out its $1.3 million-dollar artificial intelligence initiative. It needed community buy-in.
The city of Los Angeles needed more than partnerships with institutions to roll out its $1.3 million-dollar artificial intelligence initiative. It needed community buy-in.
When the VEO was established in 2015, the ultimate goal was to listen to veterans’ voices. The office strategically deployed core CX capabilities.
A challenge for agencies in this increasingly digital world is the ability to understand the human experience of accessing services and benefits. “Government cannot treat us like humans if they don’t understand our experiences.”
Trust in government is at an all-time low. Instead of large scale structural fixes, government should deploy IT solutions to build trust among the citizenry.
Now that a semblance of normality has returned to Washington it’s time to ask an important question: What are the shutdown’s costs to the federal workforce? We know the tangible costs in terms of dollars. But what about the hidden costs which are more difficult to measure? In addition to lost economic productivity and America’sRead… Read more »
As a federal communicator, are you able to share as much information and data with the public as needed, or is real transparency just the latest buzzword? Do you often run into antiquated bureaucratic stonewalls and other internal obstacles when trying to foster greater transparency and open government? If so, this is likely problematic notRead… Read more »
Opinions of the federal government are at an all-time low. With only 17% of Americans holding a positive view of the work being done in Washington, we finally unseated the oil and gas industry for last-place on Gallup’s annual opinion rankings. And to be honest, it’s hard to blame them. Our federal government is jam-packedRead… Read more »