Fast, Simple, Out of Box Records Management using Sharepoint 2010
Satory Global LLC posted this example of how to create a Records Management Center using Out-of-the-Box SharePoint 2010
Communications, Leadership, Miscellaneous, Tech
Satory Global LLC posted this example of how to create a Records Management Center using Out-of-the-Box SharePoint 2010
I have just posted a new blog post on social media governance resources on the AIIM Communities blog: It features a number of resources specific to government as well as links to policy and governance databases including the Web 2 0 Governance Policies and Best Practices wiki list maintained by the Social Media SubcouncilRead… Read more »
Communications, Human Resources, Leadership, Miscellaneous
For most organizations (government agencies included), the legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks for managing electronic information are all constructed upon paper. The massive growth in the volume and variety of business information means that we can no longer extend our paper-based paradigm further and further into the world of electronic and social information. The resultRead… Read more »
Communications, Leadership, Miscellaneous, Tech
The Obama Administration is committed to using technology to better engage citizens in their government. Ironically, legislation crafted in the 1950s to open citizen access to government documents may be a barrier to today’s Open Government initiatives. The Federal Records Act of 1950 creates a framework to manage agency records. It puts the National ArchivesRead… Read more »
Paper is a costly crutch and one that may be handicapping your office more than helping. Paper Free Day asks you to commit one day to: 1. Conscientiously make a point to not PRINT 2. Investigate a business process or technology that can cut the paper waste in your office 3. Participate or Produce aRead… Read more »
How to implement share point View more presentations from Atle Skjekkeland.
I’d like to continue on Scott Horvath’s blog post about Facebook’s “Download Your Data” with a quick analysis from a public records retention viewpoint. Having researched this issue thoroughly in the past and blogging “ Needs to Carry the Public Records Torch” on GovLoop, I keep a close eye on this. For background, agencies nationwideRead… Read more »
Communications, Leadership, Tech
Update: There’s more than just two new features. You can see a good summary here as well: If you weren’t able to watch today’s live Facebook announcement, “Zuck” listed two major new options that will start rolling out to Facebook. The first one is a new Groups function. I won’t go into the detailsRead… Read more »
AIIM are conducting a survey about Electronic Records Management products, and need some help with ratings from users. If you can help us out, will take approximately 5 minutes to complete, and we have an iPad to giveaway to a lucky participant. The survey is available at We have also this year launched anRead… Read more »
AIIM Training 2010 View more presentations from Atle Skjekkeland.