Posts Tagged: recruitment

PreEmpt Career Solutions Is Requesting Your Survey Participation: Federal Career Readiness Solutions

Opinions Needed: Help Make Our Federal Career Practices More Efficient by Taking our 10 question survey at: Your time is appreciated and all opinions are valued! Debra Fitzwater PreEmpt Career Solutions, LLC “It’s Not a Job. It’s a Federal Career.” Office: 540.327.7527 LinkedIn Profile: our services) Check out PreEmpt’s New VisualCV resume, VisualCVRead… Read more »

Government: Recruit the Internet-Savvy (Dave Briggs)

Originally published by Dave Briggs at DavePress The Telegraph has an interesting article today: MI5 dumps spies who can’t use Facebook and TwitterPatrick Mercer, chairman of the Parliamentary subcommittee on counter-terrorism, told the Daily Mail: “As terrorism changes, counter-terrorism officers have to adapt to keep up. “Our enemies use every available method to attack includingRead… Read more »

War on Talent? Really?!

I recently read an interesting article on the recession and its effects on an employee’s relationship with their employer. The findings they released last week are thought provoking to say the least. A little about the study – it was a global study (Global Workforce Study from Towers Watson which concluded January 2010) of overRead… Read more »

Gen Y Recruiting Tips: The Candidate Perspective.

Job ads for recruiters and HR Generalists are on the rise. I’ve seen many open roles in government recently as well. This is a good sign that the economy is starting to improve in both the public and private sector. As Gen Y are an ever growing part of the applicant pool organizations and agenciesRead… Read more »

Crowdsourcing: Win-Win or Lose-Lose

One of the more popular social activities between companies andconsumers is crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing is relatively straightforward:It’s the online distribution of certain tasks to crowds of experts andenthusiasts. Companies use this activity to connect their brands closer totheir consumers. Involving them to the point where they almost takeownership of the brand. For recruitment agendas it isRead… Read more »

Best Practices: U.S. Coast Guard Uses YouTube to Recruit New Guardians

When I first started exploring social media recruiting, I kept asking myself one question. How do you successfully use YouTube (or any video sharing site) to recruit? Well, I think I have found my answer. I recently ran across the Coast Guard’s YouTube recruitment channel. The channel made its debut in March of 2009 andRead… Read more »

GovLoop Project of the Week –

1. What is enables job seekers to apply for U.S. Government Civilian positions in the Army Contracting Command (ACC). The job openings are for contracting and procurement personnel, and are open to people currently employed in industry or in government. The website offers information about job opportunities with ACC, including job descriptions, informationRead… Read more »

BRAC’s Impact from Federal to State

Originally posted on Unleash the Monster For years now, we’ve been preparing for BRAC (base realignment and closures) and yet as we start to see it in action, it really puts into perspective just how broad the impact will be across the board. With the mandate of relocating thousands of military personnel nationwide by SeptemberRead… Read more »

Seattle – FYI – Data Position – National Child Welfare role

I came across this – and, if you are qualified, it is a great role and a great organization. Casey Family Programs, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is a national operating foundation that provides and improves—and ultimately prevents the need for—foster care. We are currently looking for a Systems Improvement Advisor with a focus on dataRead… Read more »