Make It Easy for Employees to Work Securely
There’s a right way and a wrong way to modernize your agency’s IT, and choosing a short-sided approach can hurt you over time. An expert offers advice.
There’s a right way and a wrong way to modernize your agency’s IT, and choosing a short-sided approach can hurt you over time. An expert offers advice.
In the current data-driven landscape, business leaders across government need to be involved in using data. They need at least a working knowledge of the tools of data science and the ways data scientists generate their insights.
For government agencies trying to build a deeper pool of IT talent, the confluence of the so-called Great Resignation with the move to hybrid work offers a new glimmer of hope.
Zero trust’s fundamental concepts have been around a long time and are here to stay (even if the buzzwords change).
From the lobby to the living room, constituents are changing expectations about how they want to interact with their government.
“We don’t know what the next big thing is that we will be able to do with data.”
“It’s also important to recognize that customer experience isn’t just an IT problem. It has to be much more than dumping it on the IT team to ‘fix the website.’”
“I think this pandemic forced everybody to step off the treadmill collectively and rethink how we want to go forward.”
Here is how agencies can modernize how they operate so they have agile people, processes and technologies that can continuously improve.
In the race to find a solution to pressing issues, it can be easy to overlook one of the most important steps – which is actually defining the problem.